Olympic Man’s Next Female Opponent – IOTW Report

Olympic Man’s Next Female Opponent

This faggot coward is going to fight

Anna Luca Hamori

His dream is to wear a gold medal for beating up women.

He is a self-loathing homosexual who pretends to be a woman (when he actually hates them) so he can live with the fact that he takes it in the ass.

The left is insane. And I hope when they go IN the SEINE, they get a flesh-eating bacteria. (Just the left, not the right or apolitical.)

30 Comments on Olympic Man’s Next Female Opponent

  1. Hopefully SHE and some of her friends will have an opportunity to “meet up” with the faggot and “persuade” him to give up his errant ways. Or else.

  2. So very much of this mass, cultural insanity can be traced right back to msNBC and their Howard University Alumni from Baltimore Environs. 1970’s. Massive Eduction Dept changes and ‘that’ is exactly were it came from.

    That explains Michael Steele.

    I see it so clearly now. They have been at it for a long, long time.

    I also think HISTORY is going to treat them exactly the same way multitudes of fallen cultures. It always devolves down to the Homosexual Devients.

    History Repeats.

  3. The women were set up for defeat by the woke, perverted Olympic governing body. Those that voted for men fighting women should be put in the boxing ring with the faggots they approved to fight women.

    Degenerates have attacked society’s “norm” in most areas of life, now the olympics. France at the forefront.

  4. The way to solve this bull shit is to find the lily white males that accepted men beating up woman, AND CASTRATE THEM.

    I watched the entire fight on IG. This little faggot wouldn’t last a minute in the men’s division. Arm puncher, no combos and very little movement. He’s just a bully who likes beating up woman.

  5. If I was a woman and I knew I was scheduled to fight against him soon, I would spend that time learning how to say this phrase to him in Turkish: “Looks like the prophet no longer has any need for real men.”

  6. I honestly don’t understand how women (without all the suffix letters like AFU) can vote democrat at any level considering democRAT platform is all for this kind of disgusting stuff!

  7. The other loser fag who couldn’t defeat a manly man won on a technicality because the woman he was beating on quit after the first minute.
    Like someone else said on another thread here, men beating up women is now an olympic sport.

  8. Women in combat sports are a relative obscenity. Men pretending to be women to troll the women in combat sports is an obscenity TO BE EXPECTED. The basis of the obscenity lies underneath either behavior.

  9. Earl…could not agree more. al these females should just walk off. do everything right up to the point where the fight (or whatever event your facing one of these trans-testicles) and just walk off. Big double middle fingers is an option on the way out

  10. Further proof women are NOT the “agents of change”. MEN have made the decision that queer psychotic men can beat up on women legally in a boxing ring.
    Women are submitting to this travesty that could cost them their lives. Also, Feminists have turned a blind eye because they are complicit in the destroying women and womanhood.
    When women die in the ring from this evil new standard, there still won’t be an outcry by most women or leftist media – the mark of a sick culture and societal deterioration.

  11. That ass, Kamala Harris, cries “misogyny!” at every opportunity, and all her Karens shout “Amen, preach it sister!”

    I say put her in a ring with this sad excuse of a man.

  12. Here’s a great rant by a righteous urbanite boxer. He’s angry and he’s not gonna take it anymore;
    God gave men authority to determine how society is created. Women are help mates to men so that society grows and is nurtured.
    Satan and his leftist tools hate God’s purpose for women and has done everything, especially abortion to undermine God’s plans.

  13. CT Ginger – the nature of gymnastics absolutely favors the male body in men’s events and women in women’s. Center of gravity issues, busting your balls on the equipment, etc. The only thing that will likely save that “sport.”


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