What Does It Mean to “Unburden Ourselves From What Has Been?” – IOTW Report

What Does It Mean to “Unburden Ourselves From What Has Been?”

30 Comments on What Does It Mean to “Unburden Ourselves From What Has Been?”

  1. It means, “Don’t look at my long history of fornication, bad judgment, pander politics, racial waffling, abusing power, violation of rights for photo ops and political expedience, and sheer excruciatingly obvious abysmal stupidity. Looking at all that would be an election-losing burden on me.”

    [checks again] Yep. That’s what it means, all right.

  2. Somebody please unburden me of these schmaltzy, treacly, bullshit Kamala campaign ads. They’re shameless and relentless. I teaf today that’s she’ll be hidin’ like Biden and campaigning through ads. Sure looks like it. I going to have to stop watching TV.

  3. @TonyR is correct. It’s a communist expression that basically means that we need to move toward the utopia that we can envision, leaving behind the ways that we as a society have always functioned before. Or in a shorter summary, depart reality in favor of fantasy

  4. KamalMao is parroting Marxist propaganda that sounds vaguely hopeful. but in reality a strategy for oppressive communist rule.

    The phrase, “what can be, unburdened by what has been.” is a New Age hedonistic meditation credited to Eckert Tolle’s “The Power of Now” according to Google.

    For conservatives it illustrates a tenet of Marxism – the tearing down of traditioms, governments and anything in society based on Godly principles, such as individualism
    and economic success through capitalism and replaced by Communism.

    The connotation of this phrase fits perfectly in the context of Marxism.
    Marxists imagine what can be which is a Utopia. A communist society only the cadre (Marxist leaders) can occupy The bourgeoisie (capitalists) are exterminated, leaving a measured number of subjugated proletariat (laborers) to maintain society.

    This is accomplished by adjusting Marxist doctrine – unburdened by what has been by making necessary changes to escalate terminating populations mostly through violence, starvation, “vaccines” or other methods of genocide, socialist mandates and restrictions, alliances with other tyrannical governments, etc. Marxism is always evolving in a destructive manner for endless destruction and control.

  5. ^^^ Utopia, communist or otherwise does not exist. It is a flawed, improbable, corrupt construct of Marxism that in the pursuit of establishing, has caused the deaths of millions. We know from history every Communist dictator has attempted to create a Utopia which has always failed.
    KamalMao and the currrnt Shadow government are just the latest tyrants trying to bring down The United States, a stable society and turn it into a unbalanced, corrupt Communist State that is profoundly far from any idea of paradise.

  6. Uncle Al is entirely correct. Every fact must be put “down the memory hole.”

    “Utopia” means “no place.”

    As the Communists, Socialists, Demonrats, Progressives, Nazis, Fascists, izlamicists, &c (nihilistic totalitarians) are completely aware, though undaunted.

    Every generation produces a new crop of gullible useful idiots who follow the Utopian piper until reality rips them a new asshole.

    If something sounds too good to be true; it is.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  7. This is a vapid, vague and meaningless phrase that means nothing or, to people who cannot or will not think for themselves, everything. I see Obama’s fingerprints in this because his catch phrase, Hope and Change, was equally vapid, vague and meaningless.

    These are slogans that justify everything that these marxists do or do not do. Slogans replace actual thinking, and are used to mollify the masses who do not want to or cannot think – Orwell featured nonsensical slogans both in 1984 and in Animal Farm. To be fair, Make American Great Again is also a slogan, but at least Trump is willing to explain what he intends to do. Leftists like the Democrat party has become have no need to explain their slogans to their constituents because their constituents either do not care or cannot comprehend it, or would not like what these politicians actually intend to do.

  8. It sounds like she took a hit on some powerful weed when she rattles off that stupid phrase.
    What it really means – a new version of Obama’s “we are five days away from fundamentally transforming the United States of America.”
    We are living the transformation right now. How do you like it America?
    I think Trump is depending too much on a landslide to overcome the voter fraud. We need to stop the voter fraud. Trump has the votes. FOCUS on STOPPING THE STEAL on ELECTION DAY.
    2008 – 129 million votes
    2012 – 127 million votes
    2016 – 128 million votes
    2020 – 155 million votes
    The steal was obvious, and they’ll blatantly do it again in 2024.
    We needed Biden to stay in the race so the steal would look ridiculous. Now they have a fresh new face on the ballot. They can pull their shit and gaslight the American people.

  9. The key word is “unburden” .. classic Marxist douchebaggetry. Actually it’s fundamental to Marxism. All that has gone beforehand (ie, all norms, all previous beliefs) are a burden from the past. Thus, to become our “true selves” (as in a dickless male) we must cast off these evil -isms.

    And of course, there will be those monstrous people who willfully blind themselves to these obvious truths by clinging to obviously outmoded beliefs. And so they will have to be endlessly denounced in the most vicious terms possible. And if that doesn’t work …

    Well, thats Kamala and Marxism in a nutshell .. with emphasis on the word “nut”

  10. It means we will ‘progress’ by being unburdened by what has been: all those standards, morals, merit based achievements that have held ‘us’ back. Specifically, she plans to lift the burdens of truth, justice, and the American way, as noted in the Constitution, the Bill of Rights, etc. so that we can have an equitable distribution of misery.


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