Correct – IOTW Report


10 Comments on Correct

  1. Ima thinking the Monster Hillary Clinton never got on her knees for Bill. It was likely the other way around.

    Hillary (clad in black Leather, spike hi-heels, holding a whip in one hand, a can of oven-off in the other): Bill Clinton, you get down on your knees right now if you want to get whipped tonight.

    Bill Clinton, naked and trembling in joyful anticipation: Whip me good, and whip me a lot…you know I want it right on the ass, right? Go ahead Momma, whip me good with all you’ve got, you know I’ve been a very bad boy.

    Hillary: OK…Bill (whip, whip, whip). How ya doin’ Bill, ya fuckin’ miserable worm.

    Bill: I’m lovin’ it Momma…give me some of that oven-off stuff. I’ve stabbed my dick twice with a knife so the oven-off pain is gonna send me into masochist heaven.

    Hillary: You want it on your dick? Like you usually like it?

    Bill: Yeah Momma, on my entire private parts, dick, nuts, ass-hole….givitoomenow!

    Hillary: (sprays oven-off all over Bill’s private parts) How do you like it Bill…does it hurt enough?

    Bill: Oh it hurts Momma….it really hurts since I got the siph…it hurts so good…more oven off, more whippings…and don’t forget to walk all over me in your spiked heals…dig ’em in….that’s the biggest thrill of all.

    And so on it went, till one am.

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