NBC Now Characterizes Walz’s Military Embellishments as “He Misspoke” – IOTW Report

NBC Now Characterizes Walz’s Military Embellishments as “He Misspoke”

NBC News

Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz “misspoke” in a 2018 video circulated by the Harris campaign earlier this week that included the vice presidential candidate talking about his handling of weapons “in war,” a campaign spokesperson said Friday.

The clarification comes after Republicans, led by veteran and vice presidential candidate JD Vance, have attacked Walz over his military record.

24 Comments on NBC Now Characterizes Walz’s Military Embellishments as “He Misspoke”

  1. Time to put this behind us. The Libtards are now using this to escape talking about policy specifics. Which they have none. Last night Kami cum for brains said on stage, “Her and Trump have severe policy differences, he wants to lead from the past I want to lead from the future”. WTF OVER? That’s her idea of policy specific. The have no policies or goals on their campaign website. Trump needs to pivot and just pound her on policy. The same with the old white guy socialist. Hit them hard on policy. Because the have none.

  2. It is possible to “Misspeak”, however an honorable person will correct themselves and not try to let it slide.
    On the other hand, these worthless, Federal Tit-Sucking, Cunt-Ass Parasites (WALZ) have no Scruples, standards, honor or integrity and only use the term “Misspoke” when they’re caught red-handed in an intentional LIE!

  3. Agreed, Brad. They’re stuck with him, but the media will cover for him, and we’ve gotten all the traction off him we are going to get. He’s a rotten SOB, to be sure, and I think he really went to hell when he went down the Teacher rabbit hole. But yes, let’s hit policy differences.

    I know PDT is hammering Kamala hard on the border, to the point where they’re denying it was ever Kamala’s job, but we’ve got two astronauts stuck in space, and the NASA clowns say they won’t be home until sometime next year. And unfortunately for Kamala, Biden made her head of the “Space Council”—whatever the hell that is.

    I want to see the guy who created the Space Force call out the biden-HARRIS administration for abandoning our astronauts. I want to hear the media bitches screaming that it’s not her job. I want some mealy-mouthed NASA douche to get put in PDT’s spotlight.

    PDT should be pissed off at what a shambles they’ve made of his Space Force and let everyone know what’s going on with our stranded astronauts, and I don’t care how awkward it gets for the MIC, NASA and Boeing.

    The fellating media reports on the stranded astronauts as little as possible. PDT should make Suni Williams and Butch Wilmore household names, starting at his next rally.

  4. How can you “misspeak” about your actions? You either did something, or you did not do something – there is nothing to speak about. Walz cut and ran before he got deployed and those are actions he is being judged against. Likewise, he was either in a war zone or not in a war zone – again, nothing to speak or misspeak about.

  5. Saw this fat REMF leg wearing an SF cap on TV.

    Reminds me of a guy at work telling me he’d been to Jump School. I asked him where and what company (always screws posers up. Anybody who’s gone through the course at Benning knows why). He replied “B company”.

    I called him a plucking liar to his face, in front of his pals.

    Stolen Valor is taken damn seriously by those who’ve put in the sweat,blood, and pain.

  6. Well?

    Obola “misspoke” when he said “my moslem religion” didn’t he?
    As though any Christian would make that mistake.

    The ene-Media spews nothing but rancid, fetid propaganda, 24 hrs/day.

    They, their owners, their managers, and their stockholders should be on everyone’s list.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  7. It appears that MSG Walz was ok with a deployment to Italy, and then came back and learned they were in the deployment bucket to go to Iraq, the the conditional Command Sergeant Major, who had not completed the Sergeant Major Academy, pushed his retirement package through. My retirement package has been submitted, and is awaiting approval. I have no choice in this matter, they are shoving me out of the airlock after over 40 years of service because I am turning 60 next year, and they tell me that is not a waiverable item. I will revert to my highest honorably held grade, and get paid for my time served. I will end up with a 40% pension due to the points I have gathered over my career. I am curious what MSG Walz has for a point total, this would determine the level of commitment displayed during his career, his ribbon bar displayed by Wikipedia shows no combat, or overseas service. this does not imply anything, but if it is combined with a low point total, that indicates no effort was put forth to advance his career or serve beyond the bare minimum.
    Other veterans can dispute my statement,but they might also know a person who was obviously in it for themselves and totally willing to be “the Blue Falcon” as circumstances permitted.

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