Doctors Warn Voters About ‘Deceptively Worded’ Language In Florida’s Amendment 4 – IOTW Report

Doctors Warn Voters About ‘Deceptively Worded’ Language In Florida’s Amendment 4

Daily Caller-

A large group of Florida physicians recently united to oppose the state’s Amendment 4 initiative, warning voters about its potential impacts as it heads to the ballot in November.

Florida’s Amendment 4, also known as the Right to Abortion Initiative, is sponsored by the Sarasota-based group “Floridians Protecting Freedom.” The amendment seeks to end the state’s six-week abortion ban by enshrining abortion rights in Florida’s constitution. While some physicians support the amendment, others have begun to caution voters against it.

State physicians opposing the amendment primarily cite concerns over its “vague” language. Dr. Ana Garcia Iguaran, an OB/GYN and general practitioner at Mater Dei Clinic in Ave Maria, told the Diocese of Venice in Florida that the text is purposely “misleading” and would provide “unlimited, unrestricted access to abortion.” more

28 Comments on Doctors Warn Voters About ‘Deceptively Worded’ Language In Florida’s Amendment 4

  1. @Loco — The Florida amendment came from the Dems and is a bad pro-abortion constitution change. Do you want the Reps to just sit there with their thumbs up their asses? I know they do that a lot, but in this case they weren’t the ones who put this shit “on the table.”

  2. The Government needs to quit interfering with our healthcare.
    Gerald Ford’s Swine Flu clear thru Biden’s Covid19 Vax.
    Mandatory vaccines for children with undeveloped nervous systems and immature immune system. Now it’s the fight between abortion and politics. An abortion is purely between the woman and her doctor. It is NOT between government funded abortion parlors and government blocked health care. No, the government should not be funding abortions. And yes, I know what the Bible says and what God says and I believe it completely. But I’ll be damned before I let some disease ridden illegal rape me, my daughter or my grand daughter and have some government official say fuck you, you can’t have an abortion.

  3. I know many here would like abortion outlawed completely.
    That is never going to happen.
    Six weeks is far too draconian and gives the left a huge talking point.
    Why put this shit in gear before a huge presidential election?

    Looking at how many thumb-ups you got it seems many are ignorant about the subject.

  4. @Loco — It looks to me as though you’re missing the whole dynamic of the Dems’ hysterical campaigning. The topic per se does not matter except it has to be one that is more likely to be reacted to emotionally than thoughtfully. In other words, if it weren’t abortion, it would be some other issue such as gun control (sorry, “gun violence”) that they would be frothing at the mouth over. Any, and I mean ANY reaction from the Reps or Conservatives would be characterized as fascist-extremist-nazi-democracy-destroying-etc-etc-etc. Abortion simply happens to be their best candidate issue and they have successfully generated an extraordinary amount of heat around it. It’s an important issue to some, but to the degree we’re seeing absent Dems’ fanaticism and demagoguery? Fooey.

  5. Loco sez: “I also have to say that had it not been for abortion over the years this country would have rotted to the ground.”….

    What the hell does that even mean?…The country did pretty good for 200+ years before abortion was being discussed in polite company….If abortion was widely available and popular in 1955 my sister might not be around and then me 2 years later….

  6. @Loco – Are you saying that the most abortions were performed on undesirable segments of society? If so, I agree. But I still do not favor it as a convenient method of birth control. I also do not believe ANY medical procedures should be allowed on a child without the parent’s express consent (either parent).

  7. Remember that “red wave” in 2022?
    Me neither.
    That’s because we had idiots like Newt Gingrich saying “we need a nationwide abortion ban, and Trump needs to sign it when he gets back in office”
    Dumbassery at the highest level.
    How could you not understand what overturning Roe accomplished?
    Make it make sense!

  8. Just like every other argument the Dems make, this has nothing to do with “Reproductive Rights”.
    It’s still all about money.
    I’m not opposed to abortions, I am opposed to Gov’t funding and the sale of dead baby parts.
    HHS pays for most abortions through Medicare.

    “estimated 1,037,000 abortions occurred in the formal health care system in 2023”

  9. I’m with LocoBlanco on this issue — a thousand percent.

    The reason this amendment is on the ballot is because of the shforbrains 6-week abortion limit, not even time enough for most women to know that they’re pregnant.

    The anti-abortion extremists need to shut up. They accomplished nothing of value in more than 50 years of Roe v. Wade, and now their counterproductive, unrealistic, virtue-signaling, and irrational refusal to compromise (or to try changing hearts and minds instead of lobbying for draconian legislation) is only going to assure continued abortion deaths, Republican election losses, and more backlash.

  10. Life begins at conception and the giver of life owns that life from that point on. Any termination of life after conception is murder and Christians should stand their ground no matter the consequences in this world. Demons will be demons and I do not know how you compromise with evil. 6 weeks is compromising with evil.

    I hate that abortion is on the ballot ad nauseam, but it has to be. Can’t have people committing murder without consequence. God has taken a dim view of societies that murder his children since we got kicked out of the garden.

  11. Luke was a physician, historian, and a contemporary of Christ. In Luke 1:39-45, he details the time when an angel visited Mary & told her she would be pregnant with the Son of God and she went to stay with her cousin, Elizabeth, who was 6 months pregnant with John the Baptist. As you read the passage, note what effect the presence of the mother of the Christ had on the fetus inside Elizabeth, then ask yourself, when does God say that life begins?

    Mary Visits Elizabeth
    39 At that time Mary got ready and hurried to a town in the hill country of Judea, 40 where she entered Zechariah’s home and greeted Elizabeth. 41 When Elizabeth heard Mary’s greeting, the baby leaped in her womb, and Elizabeth was filled with the Holy Spirit. 42 In a loud voice she exclaimed: “Blessed are you among women, and blessed is the child you will bear! 43 But why am I so favored, that the mother of my Lord should come to me? 44 As soon as the sound of your greeting reached my ears, the baby in my womb leaped for joy. 45 Blessed is she who has believed that the Lord would fulfill his promises to her!”

    It is my personal belief that any time a mother to be has an abortion, that child goes to Heaven to be with God. When the woman dies, if she also goes to Heaven, she will be reunited with the baby she had killed.

  12. @ PP
    I think this is the way it works. Feel free to disagree. Feelings about it don’t matter, just what we read in the scripture.
    The baby is under the authority and the covering of the parent until of age.
    If the parent is in Christ, the baby goes to heaven, if not, it’s not so good.
    No one is found innocent without the blood of Christ. It’s not possible.

  13. @AJ
    Appreciate your offer to respectfully disagree. Since babies both before and after birth are living humans and have a soul, here’s some scripture that, I think, may support my feelings.

    In the Bible, we see that God has a special place in His heart for children. We are told that children are a blessing and a gift from the Lord (Psalm 127:3).

    Jesus also had a high regard for children and encouraged us to approach the Kingdom of God with a child-like faith (Luke 18:16). This shows us the value and importance of children in God’s eyes.

    But Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me, and do not stop them; for it is to such as these that the kingdom of heaven belongs.” (Matthew 19:14)


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