Pause to Appreciate the Immense Courage Trump Is Displaying Daily on the Campaign Trail – IOTW Report

Pause to Appreciate the Immense Courage Trump Is Displaying Daily on the Campaign Trail


After the latest scare on Sunday, where the Secret Service opened fire on a man with an AK-47 outside of Trump International Golf Course in West Palm Beach while former President Donald J. Trump was on the course, I believe we all need pause to appreciate the immense courage Trump displays daily on the campaign trail.

This is what President Trump put out immediately after the incident: “There were gunshots in my vicinity, but before rumors start spiraling out of control, I wanted you to hear this first: I AM SAFE AND WELL!  Nothing will slow me down. I will NEVER SURRENDER! I will always love you for supporting me.”

Legend.  That is the only word that comes to mind.

Days before this, my wife and I were watching yet another outdoor rally attended by former President Donald J. Trump when she turned to me and said: “I still get so nervous for him.  I can’t believe he does these anymore.”

21 Comments on Pause to Appreciate the Immense Courage Trump Is Displaying Daily on the Campaign Trail

  1. A Testament to both his inate courage and hus faith in God’s protection.

    Unfortunately the satanic deep state has a mole in the Secret Service that is putting PDJT in peril.

    He needs to hire outside security to augment hus protection as it is obviously not going to be the cabals last attempt.

    In addition there is a hate site that the CIA owns that promotes 24/7 hate against PDJT that Big Tech would never allow against Cowardly Comrade Commieliar.

    It’s called Midas Touch and is run by Marxist filth. I urge you to subscribe so you can report them to YT daily. I’m pretty sure they are protected but ifenough of us Patriots report each video as hate daily it may have an impact. They got shut down on Instagram for hate.

  2. “I still get so nervous for him. I can’t believe he does these anymore.”

    The FBI advised/threatened him not to continue these outdoor rallies. But it’s just another form of lockdown and censorship, like getting kicked off of Twitter or testing him positive for covid so they could make him debate from quarantine. He’s not going to ever take their “advice” again, and why should he? Indoor events are no safer than outdoor events if the people trying to kill you have plants inside.

    They just tried to kill him on his own golf course. What are they going to do now? Tell him not to play golf? It’s obvious that they are going to keep trying to corral him. But he knows the corral leads to the slaughterhouse, so he’s going to stay out on the range. Screw them.

  3. SNS, Trump said that the explosives found at the rally was a training session for the police K9s.

    I think it was pretty foolish to plan the training at a rally and not somewhere else or some other time.

  4. Thirdtwin
    Wednesday, 18 September 2024, 13:16 at 1:16 pm
    “Indoor events are no safer than outdoor events if the people trying to kill you have plants inside.”

    …you are correct. There IS nothing he can do that is definitively “safe”, not even doing nothing.

    Were he to withdraw entirely and go hide on an island, he would STILL be a potential threat to their power and they would STILL try to kill him, and hiding away would just make that EASIER.

    Realistically, NO ONE is safe. In life there are risks. All life is determining if the risk is worth the reward, if the game is worth the candle; and in some cases, a man hasto put his own life at risk to protect others.

    Not every man can do that.

    President Trump can.

    And President Trump IS.

    And I suspect that President Trump belives he MUST.

    And with God’s help and grace, their spears will continue to have leaden points, and their plots only turn back on themselves.

    God help him.

    God help us all.

  5. Claudia
    Wednesday, 18 September 2024, 13:18 at 1:18 pm
    “SNS, Trump said that the explosives found at the rally was a training session for the police K9s.”

    …thank you Lady C, I hadnt seen that.

    Very ameteur hour to do it that way though. They continue to not give President Trump the best, because they fervently hope for the worst.

  6. I too am praying fervently for President Trump on a daily basis and sometimes more than once a day. Trump like our Founding Fathers has pledged his life, his liberty and his sacred honor for the blessing and protection of America as it was founded. I applaud him for that, no other president since Reagan has even come close to what Trump has done for this country since he became president in 2016 and will continue to do so in a second non-consecutive term as president after the election in November no matter how hard the democraps and the deep state continue to persecute him. Like David, he is a sinner who has come clean with his faults and is a man after God’s heart and has found favor with God. May God continue to bless Donald Trump and America as it was founded.

  7. I haven’t seen courage like this ever since Hillary dodged sniper fire while deplaning in Bosnia, or Brian Williams was shot down in a helicopter.

    But this is the “party of peace” inciting these actions. The Democrats are well aware that many of their constituents are little more than lemmings, and they use their captive media to paint Trump as “literal Hitler” and a threat to democracy – quite unlike that bastion of democracy Barack Obama who once claimed all he needed was a phone and a pen. Actually, I’m not quite sure why President Trump is a threat to democracy since I am unaware of anything undemocratic he has done – and he had four years as President. Granted, Trump has not engaged in lawfare except as a defendant, and he hasn’t surrounded himself with as big a group of corrupt goons as I’ve seen in government – we will leave that to the Democrats – but he has showed respect for the Constitution.

    Stay safe, President Trump.

  8. A little off topic but I watched JD Vance’s speech at a rally in Wisconsin last night. I’d seen snippets of his speeches before and thought he was alright but last night I was very favorably impressed.

    One of the things he spoke about was how DJT displays the courage of a true leader which I absolutely agree with.

    What I was most impressed by was his handling of the press. After his speech, he took 5 or 6 gotcha questions from the press. He gave relevant rational answers to their irrelevant irrational questions and exposed them for the propagandists they are in the process.

  9. “This country was lost 100 years ago, and it ain’t coming coming back, with Trump or without, it matters not.”

    Right on. Kill yourself, and your family loser. Second thought, leave your family alone. Maybe they’re not losers like you.

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