The Commies Are Coming For Ya – IOTW Report

The Commies Are Coming For Ya

20 Comments on The Commies Are Coming For Ya

  1. If that were the least bit sincere he only needed visit any single solitary one of the leftist websites and read the comments therein and call a press conference denouncing the entire lot of them. At a minimum, every third comment is hate this one, hate that one and it is ubiquitous throughout their entire culture. They are hate, it defines the worthless subhuman pieces of shit’s worldview and entire being.

  2. “There’s no guarantee to free speech on misinformation or hate speech.”

    I consider that “hate” speech – AND misinformation.

    Arrest Walz, indict him, try him, execute him.

    The whole point of “Freedom of Speech” is to expand the diversity of ideas and let each of us decide which ideas appeal to us, as individuals. There simply is no such thing as “hate” speech – it’s an extra-added imbecility of those of the nihilist/totalitarian bent to stifle the free exchange of information/opinion/&c. Mr. Brad has it right – sadly – those who are willing, able, and good enough at violence will decide the parameters of “hate” speech – and will enforce it with vengeance.
    Maggots like Walz assume that he and his fellow maggots will always be in the driver’s seat and thus be able to set the standards for imprisoning and executing their fellow citizens – he may be surprised to learn that some will not go gently into that good night.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  3. This seems to be the new lie trying to convince people the Constitution doesn’t mean what it says.
    This guy, Kommie, Hitlery, Bill Gates, the propaganda machine, all carrying on about how there are actually limits on free speech. How it doesn’t really exist.
    Just like they’re doing with the 2nd, it will be “common sense” limits on free speech along with the “common sense” gun laws.

  4. We all know who the arbi-traitors of “mis-information” will be. After all, they tried that lame shit a couple years ago with Nina Jankowicz treating people like children who need to be protected from the big, bad boogie man of words! The Constitution says that everyone is entitled to Free Speech, even assholes! So its no freakin wonder that the Assholes want the Constitution destroyed along with half the country that they lable as MAGA Terrorists!

    Socialism is the gateway drug to Communism!

  5. A turd in the toilet bowl of life. What a f’ing creep. He needs some facts “explained” to him in person. I bet he is a real puss. Where do stupid bastards like this come from? WTF does he think this stupid shit for? WTF is wrong with you yankees??


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