Will Newsome Go AFter Pelosi For This Abject Bald-Faced Super-Duper Misinformational Lie??? – IOTW Report

Will Newsome Go AFter Pelosi For This Abject Bald-Faced Super-Duper Misinformational Lie???

When were the primaries held?

8 Comments on Will Newsome Go AFter Pelosi For This Abject Bald-Faced Super-Duper Misinformational Lie???

  1. Ann Barnhardt says it best:

    “Musloids and Marxists lie. You have to assume that every word out of the mouth of a musloid or a Marxist is a lie, including “and” and “the”. They are COMMANDED to lie; musloids by the suras and hadiths, Marxists by Marx, Lenin, Mao and Alinsky. If you haven’t figured this out yet just by watching the satanic farce that is politics today, then you are beyond all help.”


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