Day Care Workers Trained to Ditch Mother Goose for George Floyd – IOTW Report

Day Care Workers Trained to Ditch Mother Goose for George Floyd

The Federalist

A tax-funded Wisconsin organization trained daycare workers to teach infants and toddlers to participate in violent partisan protests and support abolishing the police.

Daycare workers who participated in an April training from the tax-funded organization Wisconsin Early Childhood Association (WECA) received “diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging” kits worth $600 each that included board books teaching babies race hatred and gender dysphoria. The kit came to light this week when a daycare owner who received one went public with what she found inside. More

9 Comments on Day Care Workers Trained to Ditch Mother Goose for George Floyd

  1. “The board book for babies and toddlers “helps children learn about activism — environmental injustice, civil rights, LGBTQ rights, and everything else that activists believe in and fight for,” Johnson said.”

    For babies and toddlers fercrissakes, they should be doing finger painting, or run them through the playground a couple of times to wear them out enough for a nap. This shit is insidious.


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