Crash Tests Show Guardrails Won’t Stop Electric Vehicles in an Accident – IOTW Report

Crash Tests Show Guardrails Won’t Stop Electric Vehicles in an Accident

Breitbart Tech

A new car safety study has proven that electric vehicles (EVs) are too heavy to be restrained by guardrails that line roads in case of accidents, researchers at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln said.

As the amount of EVs such as Teslas and Chevrolet Bolts take over the roads amid concerns over the environmental impact of gasoline-powered vehicles, one of the lead researchers from the university’s Midwest Roadside Safety Facility (MwRSF) warned that there needs to be “some urgency to address this issue.” More

22 Comments on Crash Tests Show Guardrails Won’t Stop Electric Vehicles in an Accident

  1. God Forbid you ever have a head-on collision with one of those behemoths, you will be obliterated. And if you don’t die from the collision, you will be burned to death after the battery catches fire.

  2. EVs – The true Lead Sled!
    I recently bought a new car. The sales guy asked me if I would consider and EV. I told him no, It makes no sense to be pushing 2,000lbs of fuel (plus the weight of the car with heavy duty tires and suspension) around town just to transport one or two people … and that’s just one of many reasons I won’t own an EV!
    So far as Guardrails are concerned, I wouldn’t want to see one crashing into a bridge abutment. These things are Battering Rams!

  3. Another thing to note is all of that extra mass is positioned very low in the vehicle. So if you run into the back of a tractor trailer of other high vehicle the bottom of your car has much more momentum so it will scoot farther under the truck, ripping the cab (including you) off the chassis.

  4. From just a weight perspective –
    In rough numbers a 100kW battery weighs around 2,000lbs and will take you about 300mi
    300 miles in an ICE car getting 35mpg requires 8.57 gallons of fuel.
    A gallon of gasoline weighs 6.1lbs X 8.57 = 52.3lbs
    That is a HUGE weight penalty not to mention that charging that beast requires 110kW (empty -> full)
    2,000lbs vs 52lbs should be a no brainer in anybody’s book! It is just not a viable solution!!

  5. They should show other vehicles for comparison. In particular I’d like to see a comparable truck with a gas or diesel engine. Low center of gravity may also affect not only crashes into guardrails but into other vehicles.
    I took an F-150 to my driver side door (2007 Infiniti G35) about 11 years ago. Grateful that I had a newer vehicle, airbags that sat inert for 7 years went off the moment they were needed and the B-Pillar held up well. I don’t know that another ton of weight would have made much difference. But a low center of gravity, as with the Teslas, might have dug into my car rather than hitting on a broader area as the truck did.

  6. @ Jethro SATURDAY, 21 SEPTEMBER 2024, 10:21 AT 10:21 AM

    My buddy and I were going through Yakima at about two AM and a vehicle came from the west bound lane into the east bound lane, then back down into the median and around us, then back up into the east bound lane and right in the path of a semi truck. The truck took everything the car down to the bonnet and deck lid off. Killed the gal driving, but actually didn’t mess her up that bad.

  7. The solution is simple: massive government spending to design and install EV-resistant guardrails all over America. Don’t forget to give the contracts to friends of the politicians and allow Congress members to buy stock before the contracts are awarded. It’s the American way!

  8. Harry
    Saturday, 21 September 2024, 12:48 at 12:48 pm
    “^^^ Here’s the thing – If EVs were truly a better transportatioin solution they would sell themselves. They wouldn’t need any government intervention to move them!”

    If the government is paying you to do something you would not otherwise do yourself, they are almost certainly paying you to do something stupid.

  9. Remember when the engineers at car companies were tasked to build cars would fold up to soften the blow if they hit a pedestrian??
    These days, GLOBAL WARMING!!, apparently it’s pedestrians be damned!

  10. SNS – Axiom: … they are almost certainly paying you to do something stupid.

    Paying you to do something stupid is also known as coercing, intimidating and/or arm-twisting you into doing something you would otherwise not do. Out of all those terms the one I think works best is arm-twisting! After all, that’s what these Commies have been doing for 3.5 years!

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