Michael Eric Dyson Returns to Form After “Flirty” Text Message to Nancy Mace – IOTW Report

Michael Eric Dyson Returns to Form After “Flirty” Text Message to Nancy Mace

Fox News

“I would like to also enter into the record a screenshot of a text message I received from the esteemed professor from Vanderbilt, Michael Eric Dyson, after my CNN interview, begged me for photos. In this text, he says, after calling me racist on CNN, ‘shh don’t tell anybody, we look good together.’ And sent me a kissy emoji,” Mace added. “The guy says I’m gorgeous in all these photos. I don’t think he’s that bent out of shape on how anyone pronounces Kamala. And if we’re going to have that standard, you got to hold it to both sides, not just one or the other.”

Following Mace submitting the texts in a moment that quickly went viral, Dyson hit back and called Mace a “bigot and racist.” More

10 Comments on Michael Eric Dyson Returns to Form After “Flirty” Text Message to Nancy Mace

  1. He’s too stupid and indoctrinated to have any idea how to react other than to claim victimhood and offer the same argument that failed before but in a louder, nastier, more violent voice. GFY

  2. “Free at last, I’m free at last, Thank God Almighty I am free at last”: “To go back to Africa and be with my Bro’s (you know, the ones whose ancestors got rid of my ancestors by selling them into slavery because they hated our guts!”)


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