Ukraine Unleashes Its “Fury” on Russians – IOTW Report

Ukraine Unleashes Its “Fury” on Russians


Back in May, Ukrainian developers revealed a new armed ground robot—the Fury. Four months later, a Fury has fought—and reportedly won—the type’s first major skirmish. On or just before Thursday, one of the four-wheeled, shopping-cart-sized Furies assaulted a trench in Russia’s Kursk Oblast.

Dodging mines and firing its machine gun in coordination with explosive drones and mortars, the ’bot defeated a small group of Russian soldiers.

“The result: part of the enemy was destroyed, the rest fled,” the 1st Detachment of the 8th Special Purpose Regiment, the ’bot’s operator, announced on social media. “The [robot] received several hits from RPGs and FPVs”—rocket-propelled grenades and first-person-view drones—“but persevered, completed the mission and returned to recovery.” More

24 Comments on Ukraine Unleashes Its “Fury” on Russians

  1. That headline, “Ukraine Unleashes Its ‘Fury’ on Russians,” brought to mind the image of a rabid toy poodle. Now, I’ve got to think up what a rabid robotic poodle would look like! 🤖🐩

  2. I don’t know how well this is going to sit with my fellow commenters but the Ukraine and Zelensky are publicly supporting the Nazi regime. They actually have the Nazi Swastika next to the U.S. of America flag. If you can find these pictures of the swastika held up next to the American Flag you will be shocked.
    I cannot find the pictures today because SNOPES and the US Government have made sure this info and picture is no longer available.
    As for me, I still have a Vietnam bullet in the back side of my chest that cannot be removed even with today’s surgical procedure’s. So everyone, excuse me for calling out the treacherous Biden Harris regime and every dumb fock liberal idiot that votes for this monstrous sh!t. I actually have 34 of my high school friends that I am supporting because the USA shit canned the Vietnam veterans without help. I am now waiting for my son-in-law to exit the military before he looses the ability to give me grand kids. So if you think Zelinski is the hero, he is actually the enemy.

  3. Dumb Bunnies really pissed off

    “cannot find the pictures today because SNOPES and the US Government have made sure this info and picture is no longer available.”

    It’s Google. An American corporation. If you can believe that.

    As far as this weak ass story goes, notice they didn’t name the manufacturer. Zelensky nationalized the Ukes defense manufacturers. Which there were two. Neither capable of mustering up an offensive fart let alone the “fury”. This is the DEMOCRACY we are supporting. Is the Furry legit? I doubt it. Just another tool to make you feel good about sending most of your paycheck to the guy who plays the key board with his dick

  4. Oh I forgot just like Dumph. this is all bullshit. Mofo motherfers who love & support Putin suck dick all day long. But how does ones stop commie dick loven cocksuckers is the question.

  5. Bad_Brad you are the prime example of how our formerly great great country is run and thank you for the comment. Since I have limited means, I send 10 Dollars a month to all my vets. Sadly it seams 6 of my friends have passed but I do send a monthly contribution to their spouse. I actually come to tears
    missing my friends from school. Really it is sad to think that the USA has shit canned our military.

  6. Ya sure.
    The Russians can make yard waste out of all the “indestructible” Abrams tanks in a blink, but this nerd’s toy will “change everything” despite the fact that Russia OWNS THE SKIES over Ukraine.

    The US Dept of State and Commander in Chief are the dumbest jackasses that were EVER entrusted to lead people to a grizzly death. A pox be upon them


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