Jill Lets Everyone Know Who’s Really in Charge – IOTW Report

Jill Lets Everyone Know Who’s Really in Charge

victory girls

It’s good to be the king queen! Especially when you have all of the power and none of the accountability. Last I checked, no one voted for Jill Biden to be president.

Yesterday, the American public got a real look behind the curtain at the White House, which made it clear that Joe Biden is no longer in charge of the White House, much less his own life and personal care. Edith Wilson Jill Biden is in charge of all of that now. The president in name only held his first full cabinet meeting in nearly a year on Friday. You know, because there is absolutely NOTHING going on in the world, and after October 2nd of last year, there was no point in having full cabinet meetings because everything in the country and in foreign policy was just going swimmingly. More

12 Comments on Jill Lets Everyone Know Who’s Really in Charge

  1. Nothing surprises my about Jill Biden’s behavior. What amazes my is how the supposedly “GOP run” House is doing jack motherfucking shit about this obvious 25th amendment situation.

  2. “They” are letting her think she is in charge. Trust me on this, we wouldn’t be any worse off if that were not the case and this fuckup were actually the one giving orders.


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