Trudeau Heads to UN Assembly General, While Back Home a ‘Vote of No Confidence’ Against Him Will Be Held in Parliament – IOTW Report

Trudeau Heads to UN Assembly General, While Back Home a ‘Vote of No Confidence’ Against Him Will Be Held in Parliament


It’s a common feature for Globalist leaders that, even while deeply unpopular at home, they still find themselves worthy of lecturing the rest of the world on planetary issues from atop their imaginary virtues.

Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau is no exception to this rule.

7 Comments on Trudeau Heads to UN Assembly General, While Back Home a ‘Vote of No Confidence’ Against Him Will Be Held in Parliament

  1. The Canucks should no only vote no confidence but also revoke Turdeau’s passport and refuse to let him back in to Canuckistan.

    Oh. Wait. That would leave him stranded here in the U.S. Bad. OK, then, I’d chip in to buy him a one-way to Havana, Caracas, Pyongyang, or Gaza — his choice.

  2. ““’Canada will have a leading role in making the world fairer and more prosperous’,”

    For whom? How the hell did the great north west find themselves saddled with a dead loser like this? I’m guessing the Royal Canadian Mounties spend all day mounting each other. I mean come on, where are the men?
    Bad news is we’re next.

  3. OT, Gun Buddy public services announcement. Are you a real man, or woman, and carry Gods gun? A 1911? Well here’s a potential problem that’s existed forever but just hit my small circle. Starting with me actually. The way you install are remove a 1911 thumb safety is with the hammer back. The numero uno condition, the way we all carry. No big deal unless you carry ITWB Kidex holster with a sweat guard. My fav always been an old Bladetech. Three weeks ago I shoved the weapon in the holster and the sweat guard got lodged between the frame and the safety and popped it right off the gun. Since then I’ve had two friends that the same exact thing has happened too. Weird. Anyway it’s a 5 minute fix if you know what you’re doing but it would be much worse that that in a gun fight. Cut your sweat guards off.

  4. Turdoo…and his commie handlers…don’t care about a “no confidence” vote because he, like Pedo Joe was INSTALLED into office…not voted in. So he can do whatever he wants and NOT be voted out. When he goes it will be because the communists who control Canada have found a replacement they like better.

  5. Bad Brad @11:17
    ” How the hell did the great north west find themselves saddled with a dead loser like this?”

    They ended up with him for the same reason the U.S. elected Obama – the media “informs” the politically disinterested populace that this ‘good looking’, ‘articulate’, ‘well educated’….whatever, and will keep out that ‘evil’, ‘destructive’, ‘EXTREME other candidate’ who will destroy our wonderful country.

    More and more, I have begun to believe that the real evil isn’t in the politicians so much as it is the media and the sheep they lead.


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