Biden Snaps at World Leaders, Forgets to Introduce India’s PM – IOTW Report

Biden Snaps at World Leaders, Forgets to Introduce India’s PM


President Joe Biden became confused at his final Australia-India-Japan-U.S. diplomatic press event, shouting, “Who’s next?!” at the crowd full of reporters and foreign officials before realizing that he was supposed to introduce the Indian prime minister.

The event for the four countries’ alliance, known as the Quad Summit, took place at Biden’s Wilmington, Delaware, home on Saturday, according to the New York Post.  

“I want to thank you all for being here,” Biden told the audience. “And now, uh, who am I introducing next?”

A few seconds passed as Biden stared forward in confusion.

“Who’s next?” he shouted, which was followed by another uncomfortably long period of awkward silence.  READ MORE

14 Comments on Biden Snaps at World Leaders, Forgets to Introduce India’s PM

  1. Shout louder, Joey. Shout louder and longer and keep on shouting. Shout until the veins on your face and neck pulsate and throb and grow fatter and fatter and you have your well deserved and long overdue subarachnoid hemorrhagic stroke. Then the space between your skull and your pathetic brain will fill with blood, giving you the worst headache you’ve ever had, and squeeze and squeeze until you’re dead.

  2. What an entitled old fart. While I concur that he needs to go away, with a strong preference for great pain, I want to avoid all scenarios where sympathy might be offered.

  3. geoff the aardvark @ 10:52

    Reminds me of a song, t6jat goes something like this:

    Who let the dolt out?!
    Bark, bark, bark, Barky.
    Who let the dolt out?!
    Bark, bark, nark, Barky!

  4. Damn, Uncle Al!
    You must’ve been bottling that up inside for a while now.
    Hey, I’m right there with you. I haven’t been able to even look at that fraud for a long time.
    Yeah. Joey’s just pissed now. He’s ready to get this shit over with and go home. They shouldn’t have put him up there in the first place. Everybody could see he wasn’t fit for the job back in the primaries. But Barry had to step in.

    Hey, here’s a thought. Barry’s got big ears. Should be easy enough. ITYKWIM

  5. Watching Rob Finnerty on Newsmax this morning and he was asking where 1/2 Indian Kamala Harris was when the Administration was hosting the PM of India? You’d think she’d want to be there to regal the PM about stories of her Mom asking people if they had just fallen out of a coconut tree and demonstrate to the world what a pro she is on foreign policy?

  6. Why the f— is it at his house? Can’t he get his shriveled ass back to the White House? Even the fake White House that they built for him, with the tiny desk, would be better.

    Or maybe Jill has seized control and forbidden him to return to DC.

  7. This is exactly why Americans voted Shitpants into High Office: to bring RESPECT back to the USA from all other nations, allies and adversaries !!

    By appointing the stupidest yutz on the planet as his SoS, by allowing a junkyard dog bitch killer to enact his warmongering for profit (Nuland), by using the pornclown Zelensky to obliterate the weapons/economic viability/national unity of all our former EU/NATO allies….
    Shitpants made sure that History will respect him as The Great Obliterator, minion of Satan himself

  8. Uncle Al Monday, 23 September 2024, 11:33 at 11:33 am
    “@Anon 1115:

    @Uncle AL
    SNS couldn’t have said it better.

    Oh, my! Thank you. That’s high praise indeed!”

    …I like it too, good as far as it goes, but there ARE some other things he could enjoy, wouldn’t want such a puffed-up pedophile missing out…

    …I had a stroke patient once that no one thought to put on her side when she did this little milky vomit after hitting the deck, and she couldn’t turn herself because, stroke, and she ended up aspirating which sets the stage for a WICKED lung infection and abscesses, so he can have that. I have in the past suggested that he should be left to drown completely in his own bile as no one loves him enough to even bother to help him so he could spend his fading moments half-thrashing for air as bile infiltrates inexorably to his lungs to the sounds of Jill and Hunter mocking his death throes, laughing about how they will spend his money, and maybe even starting to have sex lying atop his twitching but still conscious form, but that would be too quick. Although another possible fate involving Hunter only could be like this other guy we had who, unknown to us had a son the cops wanted and they used his stroke as an excuse to get in the house, only to roll around on the floor with the son and across the back of my legs while I was kneeling next to Pops to suction some chunkage out of his gob with a Laerdal. Maybe do that.

    …sometimes they don’t get noticed right away (certainly a possibility in Pedo’s case) so their problems and pains compound. In his case, he can fall
    in such a way that he both breaks and restricts blood flow to an extremity, so when someone comes along to unbend him he can REALLY thrill to the reperfusion enlivening the nerve endings, especially around the open fracture, but only AFTER he is found hours after the incident like another lady I met who broke a
    hip and fell, and had screamed herself so much she couldn’t make a sound when we got to her, but had dragged herself across the floor to a phone finally in what must have been intense agony because of the way her broken femoral head was pressing against her from the inside as it was no longer actually connected as it
    should have been and wasn’t able to keep her leg from elongating as it was dragged along. That for him too. And maybe he could also receive a spinal injury so severe he gets a priapism, and enough of his nerves survive so he can note that it is EXTREMELY painful so even his own raping penis can betray him as he goes out, itself dying as the erectile tissue dies from its own self-imposed impairment of blood flow for more than the vaunted four hours.

    I would normally throw in something about him shitting and pissing himself too, but since he does that anyway, I’m not sure it would be the humiliation it would be for a normal man, or even noticed as a drop in form in his case.

    …but what would be ideal would be that he becomes a drooling mass of seizures but retains his hearing and comprehension for a good long while so he can go to hell with the sounds of contempt from everyone he thought was a friend ringing in his ears, now that they knew the old bastard could no longer harm them; most particularly, I want at least SOME of the children he raped, including his own kids and grandkids, to torment him as long as he can be raped into consciousness by an unforgiving endotracheal tube mercilessly supplying oxygen to his misfiring and mostly necrotic brain tissue, with someone finally
    turning the forced flow up to the point where it painfully destroys first one lung, then the other, just as he ordered done to so many elderly himself, and that someone visually records the absolute anguish and fear in his straining, blackening from suffocation deceasing face one last time, holding as it shift to the pallor of death, as he feels the complete destruction of his ability to breathe and his eyes end wide and staring as he sees the gates of hell yawning open to receive him.

    …there’s some other things I think he should be subjected to as well, but at some point the old pedo has to go, and I’m sure once the devil starts giving him his due it will be FAR more creative than anything I can imagine, so the sooner he gets to his eternal torment, the better, to be betrayed by the very satan he worshipped being the icing on the cake…


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