She Beasts – IOTW Report

She Beasts


The rise of “Frankenwomen” has led to a psychological epidemic. Women are no longer just changing their hairstyles or makeup—they’re changing their entire faces to fit an ever-narrowing standard of beauty. Cheek implants, Brazilian butt lifts, nose jobs to “Kardashianize” their profiles—it’s a never-ending cycle of enhancements—and what’s worse is the goalposts keep moving. And thanks to Instagram, the pressure is relentless. Filters and editing apps have created a world where even the most beautiful women aren’t beautiful enough. It’s no wonder anxiety, depression, and body dysmorphia are skyrocketing. When perfection is just a swipe away, reality becomes dark and unbearable.

So, what happens when the line between reality and filter becomes so blurred that we no longer know what’s real? More

19 Comments on She Beasts

  1. …plastic perversion become the standard for all of us… what an interesting and offensive statement. So many assumptions demonstrating only the narrowness of the writer’s view. Maybe it was seen as a clever turn of phrase, but it really turned the article into a siloed excursion into a tiny freakish slice of humanity.

    People wanting their lips to look like butt holes are kind of perverse though, really.

  2. Then there is the segment of society that enters college somewhat sane and natural looking.
    By the time they leave college, they look like Hell spawn.
    Certain people can easily be brainwashed into going where no one should go.

  3. Welcome to the Grand illusion
    Come on in and see what’s happening
    Pay the price, get your tickets for the show
    The stage is set, the band starts playing
    Suddenly your heart is pounding
    Wishing secretly you were a star
    But don’t be fooled by the radio
    The TV or the magazines
    They show you photographs of how your life should be
    But they’re just someone else’s fantasy
    So if you think your life is complete confusion
    Because you never win the game
    Just remember that it’s a grand illusion
    And deep inside we’re all the same
    We’re all the same
    So if you think your life is complete confusion
    Because your neighbors got it made
    Just remember that it’s a grand illusion
    And deep inside we’re all the same
    America spells competition, join us in our blind ambition
    Get yourself a brand new motor car
    Someday soon we’ll stop to ponder what on earth’s this spell we’re under
    We made the grade and still we wonder who the hell we are

  4. All women who are not Democrats are each beautiful in their own way, and not every man finds the same type of woman appealing. Variety is the spice of life, after all.

    And no one keeps the same body their entire life. No amount of plastic surgery can fend of gravity, metabolic, and hormonal changes forever. Skin, hair, even bones are changed by Time in ways no scalpel or drug can repair, and if you have unlimited time and money to try you just end up looking like Nancy Pelosi.

    My wife was not a classic beauty by blonde patrician standards, but she was beautiful to me when we were dating, beautiful to me when we married, beautiful to me when she carried my child, and remains beautiful to me after 28 years of marriage, despite changes wrought by Time and breast cancer to her body. We lived those changes together, and they made us closer because we lived them as one. I am certanly no prize, no leonine song of masculine handsomeness am I, but she didnt marry me for my ruddy craginess, but she never made me feel I needed to slice and dice my flesh to keep her in the fold, and I would never even consider doing the same because I dont NEED a high maintenace vainglorious woman who is going to see everything through the lens of how it serves HER quest to keep her looks even if it kills me, but an honest, strong woman who doesnt fret over breaking a nail when shes cleaning the chicken coop or being too delecate to take care of her aging mother’s highly personal needs.

    Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Every line, every grey hair, every scar and every bump and bruise she has suffered for the last three decades, she has suffered at my side and as my love, my partner, my life; and this has only enhanced her beauty to me over the years. Having seen what she’s suffered and gone through masectomy and reconstruction, I can only say that it would be the epitome of madness to me to suggest 0pthat she undergo costly. risky, and completely unnecessary tampering by Man that would only destroy the beauty God gave her in a vain attempt to turn her into something she and I would both know damn she isnt that would be less lovely than the gift He gave me all those decades ago, and that love and life have sculpted every day since.

    “Hot” women may be the only goal in a 20 yo, but at some point a man needs to realize there needs to be more than one gearvin the grarbox, and that looks dont last, but love does.

    And eventually, even when youre young, you have to get back out of the bed.

    Thats the point where a young man may say of his hot young woman that he was willing to kill and die for five minutes ago. that’s why there are hookers, they are paid to leave, and therein lies the difference.

    A real woman with real inner beauty, you NEVER want to leave.

    And thats a beauty that no scapel can impart.

  5. I am repulsed by all of it.

    Went to dinner with a gal that manages a local bank branch. Didn’t know she was enhanced with a plethora of tattoos and up to that point I had found her attractive.

    They reminded me of the weird and creepy girls in grade school and Jr High that were continually drawing on themselves with magic markers and ball point pens.

  6. Most want to be sexually attractive to everyone in the world and scream bloody murder if it works, but they’re really only attracting the ones that would hump a rock if it isn’t rolling.

    BTW, I think extra puffy lips is one the worst thing to see that anyone does to themselves. Ew.

    There should be a national holiday – or week : No makeup day!

    Probably empty the streets and sidewalks of most women. Think of how great traffic would be.

  7. It’s all by design. Satan likes people to be slaves, including fashion. God’s Word never changes but fashion does change all the time in order to keep women and men of kilter and never quite being able to reach the goal.

  8. Well, humans are not going to be able to compete at all with the women “made” by Ai. Ai females created with written prompts now have their own Instagram accounts and millions of followers.

    It’s a brave new world out there.

  9. We’re bring warned (promised?) that because the Large Language Models at the heart of AI software is “trained” on large volumes of (selected) web content, they will produce (and in some cases are already producing) bizarre, surreal, and wholly wrong output. I shudder to think of what a porn-generating AI will vomit up after watching too many AI generated skin flicks.

  10. What ever happened to; “Beauty is in the eye of the beholder?”

    So sad that today’s society is ruled by immoral people made ugly by their demons, trying to convince everyone that they’re beautiful. A perfect example of “Misery demanding company”.

  11. Do fake tranny Frankenwomen come equipped with enormous schwanstuckers? No thanks, I’ll pass. I couldn’t even begin to imagine any kind of this shit when I married my beautiful young wife 47 years ago in 1977. We both would’ve laughed our asses off and thought it to be totally absurd.

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