Chicago’s South Side Nears Breaking Point – IOTW Report

Chicago’s South Side Nears Breaking Point

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Former gang leader Tyrone Muhammad, now head of Ex-Cons for Community and Social Change, didn’t mince words about foreign gangs wreaking havoc on Chicago’s South Side—blaming the Biden-Harris administration for the crisis. 

“When the black gangs here get fed up with the illegalities and criminal activities of these migrants or non-citizens, the city of Chicago is going to go up in flames and there will be nothing the National Guard or the government can do about it when the bloodshed hits the streets. It’ll be blacks against migrants,” Muhammad said. More

24 Comments on Chicago’s South Side Nears Breaking Point

  1. They’ll convince them to vacate their neighborhoods in the inner cities and they will.
    The hood people will be given a pass because victimhood, racism,reparations and whatever.
    The migrants will learn a lesson and take their game to better communities where they can be viewed as the victims and those communities won’t get the pass for retaliation.
    The migrants need to go back home.
    It’s the only workable solution.

  2. “If one were to use the weapons made illegal by current law what happens?”

    Unless you’re talking about a full auto Tommy Gun, to my knowledge those laws are not retroactive and I believe it would be illegal for the government to make you get rid of something that was legal at the time you purchased it. I would check with some one more knowledgeable than I on this but from what I know I think you’re good.

  3. ” And then there’s forced reset triggers”

    Nah, the ATF was threatening people to turn them in but that got shot down in court I believe. Good point about the bump stocks. I need to check into that.

  4. What does that male cop have to do to get himself an adult-sized bulletproof vest? That little toddler vest covers about 15 percent of his body.

    “I don’t want to be here anymore than you want me to be here”, that is probably true but when his boss tells him ,”Go back there and get those triggers, whatever it takes”, at that point he will be pushed to make a decision, do I tell my boss no, or do I follow orders and become that extention of an repressive tyrannical government abusing the people?

  5. And if you’re not paying attention, while all this is going on the current administration is signing away our freedoms and sovereignty to the United Nations. Some are saying a good percentage of male fighting aged men that came across our southern border are indeed U.N. soldiers.


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