Gen Zers are getting fired at shocking levels – IOTW Report

Gen Zers are getting fired at shocking levels

Washington Examiner- It’s tough to keep a job these days. At least, it’s proving tough for many members of Generation Z, young adults born after 1997, because they’re getting fired at shocking levels, according to a new survey from 

An astounding six in 10 employers surveyed have already fired college graduates they’d only brought on earlier this year, the Daily Mail reports of the survey. One in seven businesses added that they may not hire recent college graduates next year due to the problems they’ve encountered. 

What’s wrong with these young employees? more

32 Comments on Gen Zers are getting fired at shocking levels

  1. A bunch of highly educated snotty nosed brats that think their entitled to high paying jobs. They have no skills, text all day, have no time management and can’t get to work on time. No wonder they vote democrat.

  2. I know some of these workers. Statements like “If they make us go into the office I’m going to quit” and threating the employer with what they will do shows how spoiled and demanding they are. Another one got a great job as a receptionist from endorsements from both my wife and I with a friends company. They even offered her a chance to move up after training that they would pay her. They had to fire her as she could never show up on time and had no ambition to learn.
    So glad I retired and no longer have to hire and deal with bad employees and working with an H.R. department that blames us for these mushrooms failure to ever mature and work without a phone in there face the entire time at work.

  3. And they don’t really want to work hard and expect their employer will give them participation trophies just for showing up to work. I had my first job delivering morning newspapers for the Spokesman Review in Spokane when I was 13 in 1966 and going to Junior HS during the day. And I started to work pumping gas for my dad at his Shell station when I was 14 in 1967 and did so thru HS working on weekends and during the summer. Then I was a janitor for Meier & frank in Lloyd Ctr. in Portland, Oregon in 1971-72 making $2.71 an hr. union wages before joining the Navy on 8-31-72. I came home in Aug.75 and went to work while attending college at EWSC (now EWU) and I have worked many jobs supporting my wife and family until recently retiring 2 years ago at 69. And I was only fired once and that was a state job working at Lakeland Village in Medical Lake, Wash. in 1997-98. I was fired just before my one yr. probationary period was over because I made a small mistake in caring for one of the residents and the friggin worthless govt. union didn’t back me up which is why I hate unions and especially govt. unions. Hey all you punk Gen Z’ers go to work, work hard and quit your bitching and you might actually get somewhere other than being a leach on society. I have no sympathy for you if you won’t or don’t want to work. We had one loser who worked for my company delivering flowers a few yrs. ago who worked one day after I trained him, and he never came back. What a worthless putz, guess he went home and moved back in with his overprotective mom and probably still lives in her basement.

  4. Stupid, lazy, arrogant, entitled, undisciplined and unmotivated, can’t do basic math, can’t write a coherent sentence, shows up too late and leaves too early, and far too likely to treat their job as a platform to spout whatever nonsense pops into their heads. Did I leave anything out?

  5. These are the results of the Left F-ing up the next generation with indoctrination – filling their heads with mush as Rush used to say. They no longer have the ability to think straight, do math, know History, use proper English or to be motivated by hard work since the only real penalty they’ve ever had is a participation trophy! As an employer I really wouldn’t want someone who has no understanding of basic work skills. Musk found the same situation at Twitter. He discovered that Twitter was basically a really expensive Day Care center with 80% of the apathetic work force composed of whiners, finger-pointers and Binky suckers who could be fired without sacrificing productivity!
    Aaaaaaaaannd it’s only going to get worse with the next generation after Z – Alpha I believe it’s called.

  6. From 2006 to 2015 I worked faculty and support positions at a couple of local colleges and the most shocking thing I noticed was extraordinarily poor writing skills. I imagine it’s even worse now. We really need to do away with the federal Department of Education and let states and counties take over. Although in the solid blue areas we probably won’t see any improvement.

  7. The kids dont understand the concept of starting low and buiding experience. They pay people to level characters up in videogames so they dont have to, so its not surprising that they expect to start out in life with their XP already built up for them too.

    …add to that the schools teach nothing but Communism that denegrates the concept of striving to excel, CRT that says that any difficulty is YT keeping them down so its not their fault and hard work cant fix it, and they get the kids so caught up in sexual perversion that they think of little else. Add to that the pop culture ethos that they are owed a life and an echo chamber to tell them that THEY are the victim in the palm of their hand, and you end up with an unskilled workforce that thinks having to gain experience is racist/sexist, gayist/whateverist, because thats what theyve been TAUGHT.

    …and then theres the question of whos going to teach them. Its impossible to teach someone who is unwilling to learn, and doubly difficult if they are UNABLE to learn. Giving a Twi speaker instructions in English isnt going to get you anywhere as they could have told younat the Tower of Babel, and the work ethic of Somolia is pretty significantly different than that found in the Greatest Generation in America, but youre not even ALLOWED to suggest that their culture isnt just as good, let alone try to DO anything about it.

    And all this doesnt even scratch the fact that the kids, even if they ARE willing to learn have to learn from a DEI hire that doesnt THEMSELVES know what they are doing but are too proud to admit it, so you end up with stuff like Boeing accidents and doctors misdiagnosing a blown lung because they tried to read an Xray instead of just listen to a chest, so the kids are going to get pretty misinformed from THAT crowd, all the while being told their training is the BEST.

    …and on top of that all is the Federal government, ever vigilant, ever ready to punish you harshly if you arent passing enough Black Lesbian Transgender Witches and writing contracts and legislation that count nose colors and not quality, and you soon have a system where merit isnt merely pointless, its actively discouraged in most cases, and made illegal in some.

    …its not hard to know why the kids are as they are in a sytem with no standards and no reward for effort.

    That system is called Communism, and this is the result

    …after which the killing starts in earnest, but thats AFTER the “elections” on OUR current timeline, so stay tuned, it only gets worse before it gets better from here…

  8. Unfortunately my son fits in this category…. He can do math and has a 2 year degree in “software engineering”. I’ve been in the field for 20yrs, and assisted him when he hit stuff he needed to really think about.

    When he was young, I would try to teach him a work ethic – whether you’re sweeping a floor, raking or taking out the garbage – put your best effort into it and adjust what you’re doing to get it done properly.

    But nope, my parents, siblings and my wife (which I found out later) babied the crap out of him, so he thought I was being to “hard” on him.

    He hasn’t been able to keep a job consistently and still lives in my basement at 30yrs old, playing video games most of the time.

    I feel it was my fault partially, but have no idea what I could have done to combat the onslaught of stupidity being fed to him.

  9. My “brother from another mother” in Toronto told me about one of his interior design clients. She is in her late 70’s and her son is in his mid to late 40’s (I know NOT Gen Z, but still applicable). She expected the contractor with whom she wanted to hire to do her condo renovation to hire her “lazy ass son” to work on the project. The contractor told her that his rates were so low because he kept a very lean work crew. Her son would have to obtain contractor insurance, which he did not want to do. I told my friend that the son probably wanted to show up on the job site at 9:30 a.m. with a Latte from Starbucks, wander around the site for half an hour and be paid the equivalent of $ 120,000/year.
    The client was “mightily upset” but hired the contractor (even though he did not use her son) because his prices were so good.

  10. Spend time with one…especially one that has “graduated” college. Its NO SURPRISE why they are getting fired. Thankfully the government has so destroyed the money supply, savings, etc. that there are plenty of former retirees with actual job skills who need to go back to work (yes, that was sarcasm, but still true that these folks actually know how to do a job).

  11. fuah – and thank the GOP who promised in 1994 to get rid of it. Oh, and thank all the republicans who voted for NCLB – the greatest increase in money, power, scope, etc the DOE had seen since its creation. Nobody expected Carter to be anything but an idiot. But plenty of folks voted for all those big-government republicans expecting better from them…suckers.

  12. That’s what happens when schools, from K through college, give them 25 chances to hand in homework instead of sticking to the schedule. It’s what happens when more time is spent on “girl power” and feelings and validation and no actual grades.
    It’s what happens when schools are run by Marxists.

  13. That’s why I always say if everything goes to hell in a handbasket all of us old farts who have old school skills and talents and know how to work and do things right will save the day. My son is an exception as well as my 2 daughters they all know how to work and what’s expected of them. My wife and I and their grandparents helped to raise them well especially my dad who was a mentor to my son and taught him the value of hard work and how to build and fix and repair things the good old fashioned tried and true American way. My son is a blessed throwback to the older ways of work, and it shows in his hard work and craftsmanship which is a lost art for far too many younger people.

  14. I agree with everything everyone has been saying. My guess was going to be they are entitled, lazy, and have no idea what work ethics are.

    I started from the ground up in every job I ever had. Never applied for a promotion, but was given one in almost every job I had. My employers saw potential I didn’t know I had, but I accepted the promotions and worked hard to prove them right. Kept getting promoted.

    These kids know nothing about doing something for the pleasure of doing it right.

    And, as my father told me many times (and proved it in how he worked); “If you’re not early, you’re late.”

  15. Believe me, the Navy (or any of the other armed forces) will not allow you to be late for anything and especially for duty. You don’t want to get busted for being a skate and a lazy ass because they’d just as soon get rid of you and replace you with someone who will work and be there on time a little bit early. At least that’s the way it used to be I don’t know if it applies now with all the DEI bullshit in the military. Nobody in the military wants to work with someone who can’t be trusted with small things like being on time for duty.

  16. My wife just told my about a surgeon who removed a man’s liver instead of his spleen. No idea about his age, nation of origin, etc. but I’d place my money on his being a DEI hire. Whoever first swapped the letters to turn DEI into DIE was a prophet.


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