647K Illegals Convicted Or Suspected Of Homicide – IOTW Report

647K Illegals Convicted Or Suspected Of Homicide

Federalist- More than 647,000 illegal immigrants convicted or suspected of sexual assault, homicide, and other heinous crimes are roaming free in the United States, federal immigration authorities confirmed on Wednesday.

The revelation came in a letter sent to Rep. Tony Gonzales, R-Texas, by U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) Deputy Director and Senior Official Performing the Duties of the Director Patrick Lechleitner. The data disclosed by the agency showed that as of July 2024, there are 425,431 noncitizens convicted of criminal offenses, many of them serious, and 222,141 noncitizens with pending criminal charges who are currently not in ICE custody. more

10 Comments on 647K Illegals Convicted Or Suspected Of Homicide

  1. Oh, but crime’s down…


    Keep in mind these are the same people who told us that Jackass Joe was sharp as a tack and was so fast that they couldn’t keep up with him, yet booted him to the curb because he’s demented and are now telling us that Kamala and Walz are going to solve aaaaaall the problems they created in the first place!!

    Welcome to the New Communism of the 21st century!

  2. There here to clear the cities. That’s when blackrock can swoop in and get a good deal. Is it anti-Semitic to notice , that 2% is behind 100% of the the rot and degeneracy in this country.

  3. So…..since they’re here illegally, would anyone notice if they were to just…….disappear……..
    Follow the rules of The Four Esses, and you, too, can improve America.
    And i case you can’t follow The Four Esses (too many witnesses & snitches), just deport the illegals…..BRING UP THE TREBUCHET!!

  4. We need to have two board walls 100 yards apart, and declare the area between the two walls to be a free shooting range. In fact, offer several thousand dollar tax credits per illegal shot in the zone.

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