Joe Biden Snaps at Reporter Asking Why He & Kamala Weren’t in D.C. for Hurricane Response: ‘It’s Called a Telephone’ – IOTW Report

 Joe Biden Snaps at Reporter Asking Why He & Kamala Weren’t in D.C. for Hurricane Response: ‘It’s Called a Telephone’

Breitbart- President Joe Biden on Monday gave a snarky response to a reporter asking why he and Vice President Kamala Harris were not physically in Washington commanding over the federal government’s response to Hurricane Helene, which killed at least 100 people over the weekend across the nation’s southeast.

A reporter asked Biden, “On the hurricane, Mr. President, why weren’t you and Vice President Harris here in Washington commanding this this weekend?”

Biden snapped at the reporter, “I was commanding, I was on the phone for at least two hours yesterday and the day before as well. I command. It’s called a telephone.” More

16 Comments on  Joe Biden Snaps at Reporter Asking Why He & Kamala Weren’t in D.C. for Hurricane Response: ‘It’s Called a Telephone’

  1. “Biden snapped at the reporter, “I was commanding, I was on the phone for at least two hours yesterday and the day before as well.””

    …Meh. I was on the phone for one hour Saturday, guiding people through multiple host server recoveries after a power failure during which our UPS system took a shit.

    Im guessing that a multistate disaster that killed a bunch of his nominal citizens and destroyed the homes and livlihoods of thousands along with the economies of many municipalities along with their hospitals and food and water supplies may be just a tad more involved than that…

  2. Let them eat AHAHAHah! cake! I love cake! When I was raised in a middle class house in my McDonald’s uniform, eating cake was like cake eating! You would eat the cake, and then the cake would be HAHhah! eaten! You know what those folks need? Abortions! As your President I will make sure abortions are availavble in mobile abortion care clinics so no girl has to not have an abortion! FEMA will shout it in bullhorns just like my In…I mean, Black grandma did! HAHAHAHA!!!!

  3. I challenge any of you to come up with a way that Joey’s presence in TN or NC or GA or FL could possibly in any way help the relief efforts. He’s DEMENTED. He’s EVIL. He thinks he can do stuff when all he can do is slurp ice cream, crap in his pants, and yell at the random people he is surprised to find are somehow standing in front of him.

    Then add in that the emergency is in a region where virtually everybody hates his stinkin’ guts (Asheville excepted). That’s another reason his going there would only interfere with getting the work done as the workers would take a break to spit on him, probably figuratively but one might hope literally.

    If there’s a role for him at all, it’s sitting at his little desk, making little noises into his little microphone, and dropping little turds in his diaper. Other than that, keep the fuck away from the big boys, Joey. You don’t belong with them.

  4. Uncle Al
    Monday, 30 September 2024, 21:18 at 9:18 pm
    “I challenge any of you to come up with a way that Joey’s presence in TN or NC or GA or FL could possibly in any way help the relief efforts. ”

    …Im not saying he needs to be there.

    Im just saying maybe he can spend more than two hours on it, wherever he is.

    Two hours is from him, not me.

    …but time is an elusive concept to the demented, so maybe it just SEEMED like two hours.

    …as anyone who conversates with this neurosyphiliptic narcissist for five minutes could probably tell you, hours can seem like days…

  5. @SNS — Maybe we just have to respectfully disagree on this. ANY time Joey spends on ANYTHING is a waste of time for WHOEVER he’s spending it with. Or on. Or at.

    Maybe what he should have said was something like, “Yesterday and the day before, I spent hours and hours ordering assistance and assigning experienced emergency managers to help these states and their people in any way they can.”

    He’d never get that one whole sentence out without yelling at someone, but you get my drift: someone should have given him those words and tried to get him to actually say them. Maybe a cattle prod would help.

  6. Didn’t Obama say all he needed was a pen and a phone? Well, Dementia Joe, Obama’s puppet is doing exactly the same thing.
    Using the excuse to not “put a strain on resources” KamalMao and Dementia Joe won’t spend any time at disaster areas full of American citizens in distress.
    He’ll stay cozy in DC wearing his sundowning slippers, on the phone fouling up State and local disaster relief efforts.

  7. Well, he never showed up in East Palestine, Ohio… They’re too conservative, and he only gives a crap, as all demwits and RINOs do, about votes.

    You don’t vote for them, they will do all they can to make or allow you suffer.

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