Fauci admits mRNA vaxx myocarditis risk, esp for young men – IOTW Report

Fauci admits mRNA vaxx myocarditis risk, esp for young men


Well, folks, Fauci has finally done it. He came out and admitted the jab, which he shameless peddled for years, is actually dangerous.

It’s almost surreal watching these so-called  “experts” backtrack on the COVID jab as if they never demonized us for rejecting it. Now, they’re casually admitting the dangers, as if it’s no big deal. This comes after so many of us were practically erased from society and branded “Granny Killers” for refusing to inject an experimental vaccine into our bodies. People lost jobs, family, and friends, all because they were treated like outcasts for not wanting to join Big Pharma’s experiment.

Now, after so many people have “died suddenly” from heart attacks, they can no longer deny the truth.

Fauci should go to prison…


14 Comments on Fauci admits mRNA vaxx myocarditis risk, esp for young men

  1. I knew a beautiful, nice young woman that died from that, God rest her soul. She had to do the shots and boosters because she worked at the school system, the tyrant in charge mandated it. I retired early after 3 of them, never did it again. My heart is fine.

  2. “Fauci should go to prison” — NO, he should be executed for human experimentation, mass murder, and crimes against humanity, same as we did with the other nazis.

  3. hanging is too good for fraudci. let the victims or their surviving relatives pelt him with 1/2 inch steel lock nuts until he dies. if that’s not logistically possible, then bring scaphism back just for him. if you don’t know what scaphism is, enjoy your new vocabulary word and look it up. it’s fitting for this twerp.

  4. In 2021 walked out from a career because I was not going to be part of the covid casualty list. Nobody forced me to get a jab. They forced me to stand up for myself. And while I was standing up, I decided to walk.

  5. Sapper Chris, that would be a horrible to die being exposed to the sun and covered with milk and honey and then being ate alive by bugs of all kinds until nothing is left but maggots all over what is left of the dead body. It gives new meaning to the old kid’s song the worms crawl in, the worms crawl out, they play pinochle on your snout. Leave it up to the ancient Greeks to have invented this form of torture. This is about as cruel and inhumane as you can get, slow death being eaten alive by bugs and all sorts of creepy crawlers.

  6. On the Lord’s day of judgement, he and others (many others) will be given swift, perfect justice. In God’s court there are no appeals.

    Hebrews 10:13 — It is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the living God. KJV

    And guard your hearts against impatience and sustained anger. The evil one will use it against you.

    Romans 12:19: Do not avenge yourselves, but leave room for God’s wrath. For it is written: ‘Vengeance is Mine; I will repay,’ says the Lord.

    Pray for Anthony Fauci and his crew, that they will come to know Jesus. Whether they do and reject him is their problem. While they’re mulling over whether to reach out to him, they will at least be plagued with a conscience. They’ll have a lot of ‘splaining about how they thought they were gods.

    Most of all: Pray for the families and those who are affected by Fauci’s evil-doing.

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