Trend Among Young Adults a Real Heart Stopper – IOTW Report

Trend Among Young Adults a Real Heart Stopper

Yahoo! Life

While heart attacks are far more common among older people overall, NCHS data shows that rates in every other adult age group have actually declined since 2019. Doctors and scientists are still trying to work out what is driving up heart attacks among young adults — a group historically less at risk for acute cardiovascular events — but several parallel trends are likely at play. More

10 Comments on Trend Among Young Adults a Real Heart Stopper

  1. COVID, Heart attacks in young people, Maui, Hurricane lack of response, even hindering private rescue operations. Seeing a pattern yet?

    A smart man once said: “There are no coincidences”
    If there is a pattern, it’s not coincidence.

  2. The article lists everything except the 2 ton elephant in the room …. the COVID “vaccine” that was never an actual vaccine. It is now well documented that they cause myocarditis / pericarditis (stiffening of the heart muscle itself and the “sac” that surrounds the heart, among many other conditions including turbo cancers) in “vax” recipients. Everything the media. medical cartels and our govt. tells us these days is pure bullshit intended to cover up all their historical malfeasance and to keep the populace asleep while they continue to slowly kill us.

  3. ^^^ Not only that, but how who really knows what is in these “vaccines” and many times has it been changed. Who knows what was in them at the outset vs what is in them today? The only tangible evidence that we are privy to are the effects!

  4. OK, wait. I’m having a problem reading this headline;
    “While heart attacks are far more common among older people overall, NCHS data shows that rates in every other adult age group have actually declined since 2019. Doctors and scientists are still trying to work out what is driving up heart attacks among young adults”

    1- “While heart attacks are far more common among older people overall”
    OK, got it.

    2-‘NCHS data shows that rates in *every other* adult age group have actually *declined* since 2019’
    OK, got that one too.

    3-‘Doctors and scientists are still trying to work out what is *driving up* heart attacks among young adults’
    OK you lost me. If they’re declining in ‘EVERY OTHER AGE GROUP’ how can they be *driving up* in the same age group?

    I’m old, what am I missing?

  5. My blood boils that so much DECEIT, so much brazen SINFULLNESS, is met with a matter-of-fact MEH !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    None of my family took the QUACKCINE, in major part because of my IMMEDIATE distrust and advice to the contrary to all those who trust me.

    I have NO regrets or guilt in that. I was taught well in Scientific Method and the Double Blind Study which was the basis of medical practice until these deceitful, Satan-led times we live in.

    I will say what we should not say: GOD DAMN THE PERPETRATORS OF THESE epic SINS !!

  6. Bubba’s Brother
    Friday, 4 October 2024, 11:38 at 11:38 am
    “The article lists everything except the 2 ton elephant in the room …. the COVID “vaccine” that was never an actual vaccine. ”

    …my wife and I are driving about to some places in Easten KY, and somewhere in Lewis County KY, along the AA highway, after passing farms and farms and farms, out of nowhere is a huge billboard filled with smiling prepubecent children pushing the kill shot.

    They are determined to kill us off, one way or another.

    Forcing you to poision your own children is a pretty good way to reach that goal.

    May God see fit to damn them all to hell.

    And as quickly as possible.


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