Beat the Cheat – IOTW Report

Beat the Cheat

PJ Media

An article from Econotimes suggests that based on the polling of The Trafalgar Group and Insider Advantage, a landslide for Trump is quite feasible. 

Donald Trump appears to be positioned for a sweeping victory in the upcoming presidential election, as new polling data suggests the former president holds a commanding lead in several crucial battleground states. According to recent reports from Trafalgar Group and Insider Advantage, Trump’s surge in support puts him ahead of his Democratic rivals in states that could determine the outcome of the 2024 election.

The Economist


9 Comments on Beat the Cheat

  1. All those states, states BTW which did nothing to address the voting irregularities that affected the outcome in 2020, show Trump polling ahead nominally, but not with percentages that would negate rampant voter fraud, and this will be the dem playbook.

    The election will probably come down to 4 states; Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, and Pennsylvania, winning 3 of these should do it and it is in these 4 states that the GOP needs to flood with poll monitors.

    Rational clear thinking people need to reconcile with the fact that the libs are not only insane, but will leave nothing off the table. We need to match their energy and urgency.

  2. Rich Taylor, you can forget Michigan. We are a red state with one gigantic blue city and a couple medium blue cities. My county sheriff sent all of his data that he collected since 2020 that PROVED voter fraud to Jim Jordan earlier this summer and told him to do the right thing with the proof.

    Jordan did NOTHING.

    Michigan is run by three evil witches, Whitmer, Nessel, and Benson. We will never be the same beautiful state I grew up in. They have welcomed the CCP here and unless God has mercy on us, we will be communist soon.

    I do have faith in God and hope, but he just might have different plans than we want. I will trust him.

  3. ^^^ To your point about one blue city mucking everything up, the other day I watched a clip of Eric Prince (Blackwater CEO) on the PBD podcast and he mentioned a startling stat; in 2020 Trump won 3200 counties in the US, Hillary won only 80.

    If the impending civil war comes to fruition, it will not be North against South, it will be rural vs. urban.

  4. @ Claudia FRIDAY, 4 OCTOBER 2024, 18:37 AT 6:37 PM

    Welcome to our world. Washington, Oregon and California lead the way with the progressive/Marxist/Satanist filth in Seattle, Portland, San Francisco overwhelming the entire State. Then the daylight election theft was beta tested right here in Washington and the Democrats and Republican establishment colluded to basically disenfranchise the Constitutional conservatives leaving many so disgusted that they simply dropped out and no longer participate. Make absolutely no mistake about it, w/o the Republican establishment (which is just as progressive/Marxist/Satanist as the Democrats) involvement it would not have been possible. They absolutely hate the Constitutional conservative Republican base with a passion and thought that they would get us out of the way and share power with the Democrats… the fucking idiots can’t even hold their previously safe seats now. Worthless cocksuckers got what they deserve. The rest of us got a royal rat fucking we didn’t deserve and once they got away Scott free they have pushed out and used the same model nationwide since.

  5. When the voting machines are programed to change votes to D, polls don’t matter.

    And when audits of the voting machines are not done, and the data is illegally deleted (which doesn’t mean it is actually gone) everything will be just hunky dory.

    And we will all be fucked.


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