Sick of This Lying **** – IOTW Report

Sick of This Lying ****

When will this lying **** be fact-checked by all media?

ht/ woody

16 Comments on Sick of This Lying ****

  1. Sadly, no legacy media can be or should be trusted. But make no mistake, the dilemma of dishonest media has been with us from the very beginning of our country. Read newspaper opinion pieces about John Adams written by Jefferson supporters. It’s been ugly since the beginning.

  2. Sure. They’re going to say, “Well, it was a different appropriation within the FEMA structure…”

    No, it isn’t. It’s the taxpayer’s money any way you look at it.
    It’s like saying, “No, honey. I didn’t buy another guitar using what was in our checking account. That was out of our savings account.”

  3. ^^^ “She’d make a simply darling subject for a satanic ritual sacrifice.”

    that would be a suicide event, as she probably conducts ritual sacrifices already.
    “Remember when the Obama White House was all abuzz with talk of witchcraft by first grandmother, 72-year-old Marian Robinson, who lived in the White House residence. A close friend of Michelle Obama said the president was furious at his mother-in-law after learning that she was practicing Santeria, an African spirit cult, in the White House. …”

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