The Democrats Hate Americans- They Love Illegals – IOTW Report

The Democrats Hate Americans- They Love Illegals

ht/ woody

8 Comments on The Democrats Hate Americans- They Love Illegals

  1. Duh and no shit Sherlock. Eff the America hating democraps, illegal aliens should never be treated better than American citizens. Illegals shouldn’t get shit except for a trip back to their native shithole countries. America is for Americans and legal immigrants who will assimilate and not for the dregs of the world.

  2. President Trump needs to implement a new Operation Wetback on day one of his second administration and deport them all back to Mexico and other turd world countries like Ike did back in the 50’s. And finish building the damned fence guarded by the National Guard and the regular Army to keep the illegals out permanently.

  3. HUD has told the Maine govt no more housing vouchers because they have gone 105% over budget.
    Also, thanks to Janet Mills & co the state is going to have an almost $1 billion shortfall next year.
    LePage left us with a huge surplus and rainy day fund plus Mills had hundreds of millions from covid funds and she’s spent it all and we’re broke.
    She’s started an “Office of New Americans” illegally by bypassing the legislature and is planning on bringing in 75,000 more illegals.

    She and her pals, mostly homely overweight women and soy infested “men”, have destroyed Maine.

  4. Veterans should never get hosed by the govt., the illegals should and don’t deserve any freebies. Veterans deserve our respect and should be treated accordingly, illegal beaners deserve not even an iota of respect. What have the illegals ever done for our country except to make it worse by their illegal presence.

  5. The entire Democrat Party and a sizable portion of Republicans fall under the progressive/Marxist/Satanist umbrella. Love is just another emotion to be exploited for political advantage and personal financial gain with any and all of them.

    Other than Eros, they have absolutely no capacity whatsoever. Regarding Eros, they twist and torture that into self gratification as well.

    Eros: Erotic, Passionate Love

    We might as well get that one out of the way first. Eros is erotic or sexual or passionate love. It’s often all about need and it’s more about the person who’s feeling sexually attractive than it is about the person who is the focus of that love or thing that is the focus of that love. It is addicting. It can cause great joy and great sorrow. It isn’t always good for you and rarely if ever is it healthy if it involves a progressive/Marxist/Satanist.

    Philia: Love of Friends and Equals

    It can be the love between lovers when they’ve been together for a long time and are not so hot and bothered anymore. It’s also called brotherly love as in the city of Philadelphia. The city of brotherly love. Of course, it could be sisterly love and it is the accepting love of good friendship. This is the love that is good for your health. The touch of a loved one. The philia touch lowers blood pressure. People in loving relationships feel your love have few doctor visits, shorter hospital visits, have less pain, and have more positive emotions. All of these positive consequences of philia love, loving friendships make us more resilient when hard times come.

    Storge: Love of Parents for Children

    This kind of love is what mothers know best but isn’t talked about too much when we talk about love. It is the love of parents for children. It is described as the most natural of loves. Natural in that it’s present without corrosion. It’s emoted because we can’t help ourselves and it pays the least attention as to whether the person is worthy of love.

    It’s often transient behaviors that wouldn’t be tolerated in philia love. For example, women can continue to love their children despite truly awful behaviors. Behaviors they wouldn’t tolerate in their girlfriends or their spouses. It seems to come unbidden in the care of a newborn and it grows to allow us to love our children despite their behaviors. Thank goodness for that. In many ways it’s probably a genetically programmed and hard wired love compared to the affectionate love, philia, which is maybe not so hot wired.

    Agape: Love of Mankind

    The love modeled on the love of the Christian God for men and the love of man for God. It’s the love that is given whether or not it’s returned. It’s the love without any self benefit. In the Buddhist tradition it is the central foundation of loving kindness for all mankind. This kind of love is important in the process of forgiveness. Forgiveness is important to your health, because the inability to forgive is associated with anger and a number of health outcomes that are not very good. It is love that sets a very hard bar but it may be at the foundation for happiness and contentment.


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