Far-Left Courses Get Axed at Harvard – IOTW Report

Far-Left Courses Get Axed at Harvard

Liberty Nation-

Just as the school year was about to get underway, Harvard University canceled more than 30 courses. History and literature were affected the most. Many were far-left classes like “Global Transgender Histories,” in which students would’ve learned about “the lives of ancient and medieval people who crossed boundaries of sex and gender” and “the historical overlaps between cross-dressing, queer sexuality, and gender non-conformity.”

Little has been said about why the last-minute cancellations happened. Some were supposedly scrapped because five lecturers were no longer available to teach them. Others moved on to other studies, departed for medical reasons, or changed jobs. Low enrollment is likely the reason for shutting down many of these courses, though it’s hard to believe not enough students wanted to study “the historical impacts of … medicalization on gender identities.” more here

8 Comments on Far-Left Courses Get Axed at Harvard

  1. End ALL government involvement in education, and most especially guaranteed student loans, and EVERY college and university will HAVE TO CUT the garbage and waste in order to have curricula the banks will be willing to lend money for. ONLY with government guarantees can gender studies, racist anti-white courses, and other worthless degree programs survive.

  2. “the historical impacts of … medicalization on gender identities.”

    …Back in the day “Transgender” wasnt a “thing” (DSM V hadnt been written yet), but we certainly had our share of sexual deviants, including “drag queens” and AIDS patients that left little doubt as to what the source of their immunodeficiancy actually was; and while I may have been a tad more attentive to gloving up and a bit more careful about blood/vomit/feces/urine management than with another, I personally never limited, delayed, or reduced care to ANYONE regardless of what they looked like or how big of an asshole they may have been, goddess or witch, sinner or saint, it was all the same in the squad. And to the best of my knowledge and observation, everyone I ran with and everyone at the ED did the same. It was pre-HIPAA so things might have been said and notes shared about certain patients LATER, I aint gonna lie, but absolutely NOTHING that changed the course of treatment or level of care ever arose from how the patient chose to present themselves.

    Not even gender specific care. None of our drag queens were all that convincing, truth be told.

    …so I dont know what “historical impact” they are talking about. I lived the history of 40 years ago to today, and that history did not include violating our Oaths.

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