Lawfare case against President Trump was just run through the gauntlet by very annoyed NY appellate judges – IOTW Report

Lawfare case against President Trump was just run through the gauntlet by very annoyed NY appellate judges


The good news is that President Trump is fighting this injustice, and his day in appellate court went very well—judging by the level of frustration from the judges, who openly questioned why this ridiculous case was even brought to trial in the first place. read more

8 Comments on Lawfare case against President Trump was just run through the gauntlet by very annoyed NY appellate judges

  1. Dismissal is insufficient.

    There needs to be comsequences and repercussions for prosectors and judges who joined in this farce, civil and criminal.

    Not just for President Trump’s sake, although he is certainly due recompense, but for OURS.

    WE cannot afford lawyers or even time off work to answer spurious charges like President Trump, and make no mistake that what they tried to do to HIM they will gleefully try to do to us ALL.

    An example needs to be swiftly made out of them as the ONLY way to forestall that.

    …until the next Democrat steals the government, that is…


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