Is 0bama a Bigot? – IOTW Report

Is 0bama a Bigot?

Herschel Walker to Barack Obama: ‘Telling Us to Vote Based on Color Is a Step Backward’


Former Georgia candidate for U.S. Senate Herschel Walker blasted Barack Obama for sending black people backward in equality by demanding they vote based on skin color.

Walker’s slam against Obama came after the former president warned that not enough black people — especially black men — are supporting Harris, according to the current polls.

“Barack Obama, you forgot how hard we fought for our right to vote! Telling us how to vote based on color is a step backward. The bad policies of Biden/Harris have hurt us all. We need unity brother, not division!” Walker wrote, adding #Togetherwestand. more

24 Comments on Is 0bama a Bigot?

  1. Hes the worst kind of bigot, a self-hating one.

    He DESPISES his White side, and takes that hatred out on all Whites by proxy.

    Barry is like a Muslim convert. He can never really be what he considers to be 100% Black so he feels he needs to “prove” his Blackness every day by hating Whitey more than Black people without White heritage do. Its a fruitless task and doubtlessly frustrating to him to know that the ONLY way he can get revenge on the White people he REALLY hates is to kill HIMSELF, but he’s simply too narcissistic to do us all that favor…

  2. Obama’s call to shame black people for not voting for “black” Kackala has been a tremendous backfire.

    The volumes of angry black people slamming Obama on X is astounding.

    They are lighting his ass on fire by the vitriol they are saying to him about “how DARE you try to be our “master”. We are through with you.”

    It is such a joy to watch!

  3. SNS I’d need to take out a loan for as many upvotes I could give you for your comment.

    No dialogue from him on her record or any explanation of the disaster that is Biden’s era.

    That skinny little bastard still thinks he should have the worship of the world …and every word that drips from his mouth is golden.

    But for now, he’s gonna take a minute to straighten out the “brothas.”
    He just knows they’ll be enraptured with him.
    After all, he’s come down from on high to speak to them.

  4. There is no way in hell that dirtbag has any white blood in him! Look at him! Plus, he himself, does not acknowledge a white part! He has chosen to portray himself as being all black and African!

  5. Whut? Did that “long-legged mack daddy” finally admit he only got elected because he’s black? LOL!

    The obamas, both he and his wife, are two of the most bigoted people in the public sphere.

  6. Hershel Walker, who is he again?
    Oh dats right, a football player who took way too many hits to the head. Fits right in to the brain-dead Republicons who only support common criminal types.

  7. Yes, the Øbamboozler is a bigot, but he’s oh so much more!
    He is a cheap, lying, no good, rotten, four-flushing, snake-licking, dirt-eating, inbred, overstuffed, ignorant, blood-sucking, dog-eating, brainless, dickless, purple-lipped, hopeless, heartless, bug eyed, big-eared, incompetent, inexperienced, lazy, vacationing, golfing, childish, naïve, spending, partying, vindictive, arrogant, stumbling, sarcastic, narcissistic, corrupt, stone-walling, out-of-touch, Gay-obsessed, dope-smoking, pot-headed, teleprompter reading “Corpse-Man”, My man “Alex de Toke-Ville”, momjeans-wearing, shame gland missing, Peace-Prize stealing, red line…pink line…salmon line…fuchsia line…maroon line…puce line… Yellow line-drawing, two-bit, belly-aching, finger-pointing, “Flexible”, No-records, Reset Button Bonehead, Bush-blaming, Mexican gun-running, Treasury-looting, economy-wrecking, Cash-for-Clunkers, Phones for Lo-Foz, recess-appointing, process-circumventing, bald-faced liar, fraud and flim-flam man, “I will restore trust in Government”, “Al-Qaeda-decimated”, “You didn´t build that”, “Most transparent administration ever”, “If you like your doctor you can keep your doctor”, “Premiums will be lowered by $2500”, “I´ve got a pen and a phone”, “Russia is just a regional power”, “The good thing about being president, I can do whatever I want”, autocratic, Constitution-stomping, Bullgarian-speaking, Benghazi Bullshitting, productivity-obstructing, court-tampering, dictatorial, monument-Barrycading, race-divisive, class-divisive, community-organizing, selfie-posing, celebrity gad-fly, healthcare-destroying, “They don´t like me cuz I´m Black”, Al-Qaeda appeasing, Jihad-coddling, taqiyah sunrise-drinking, lawless phony-baloney, bitch-slapped, pussy-whipped, flat-footed, Plastic Banana republic socialist door knob whose only real accomplishment was the most scandalous betrayal of the America people in the history of this nation!

  8. Anon 10:03:

    …the brain-dead Republicons who only support common criminal types.

    As distinct from the brain-dead Assocrats who are too stupid to realize we’re waaaaaay past the Beria Point.

    If you don’t know what I mean by Beria Point then you are insufficiently educated to hold up your end of an intelligent and informed conversation.

    Now be a good boy and go play on the monkey bars with your little friends.

  9. He was hot for a white girl (aren’t they all?) until he decided it would be bad for his political career. So he hooked up with Mooch, who’s more man than he is. The only thing his bigamous daddy ever gave him was his skin tone and he uses it as his shield to hide behind and has been running the country since Bidumb took over in his plan to fundamentally change this country into a third world shit hole with him as boss.


    He singled-handed hurt black Americans more than anyone, including LBJ.

    I hope Mooch gets angrier and angrier as the years go by, and he takes it out on Barki’s wrecked-um.

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