Fighting the Fear Mongers – IOTW Report

Fighting the Fear Mongers

Tammy Bruce has a new book out (the first in 17 years), “Fear Itself: Exposing the Left’s Mind-Killing Agenda” and was on BookTV yesterday (It looks like it was recorded last month the day after the Trump – Harris debate). While I highly recommend watching the whole thing and buying the book, if you have only 15 minutes of time go to the 41-minute mark and just take in her argument on abortion.

Full video Here

3 Comments on Fighting the Fear Mongers

  1. Ironically few people realize she’s a Lesbian. Being a conservative I could give a shit less what she does in her bedroom or who she does it with. The woman is always spot on and has a complete understanding of the enemy we all face.

  2. Hey Doc
    Wow, I remember that. The Tammy Bruce show. It opened with a picture of her slumped over a desk speaking into an old style Mic with a silver plated wheel gun next to her head with her finger on the trigger. Gave me the creeps. We should invite her back.


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