Is the Federal Reserve a Private Bank? It Doesn’t Matter – IOTW Report

Is the Federal Reserve a Private Bank? It Doesn’t Matter

InfoWars: by Ryan McMaken | Mises Institute

After many years of writing articles on the Federal Reserve and central banking, there is one thing I can always expect in the hours following the publication of an article about the Fed: a reader will send me an indignant email insisting that the Federal Reserve is a private organization and that this is very important. 

Moreover, from the context of these messages it is apparent the authors believe that the alleged private nature of the Federal Reserve is a bad thing. It’s unclear, however, why a central bank that is private is any worse (or better) than a nationalized, government-owned central bank.  

Thus, the pertinent question to ask on the matter is this: does it matter if a central bank is public or private? Experience shows that the answer is no. After all, the two quintessential private central banks of Europe—the Bank of England and the Bank of France—were focused on serving their de facto state masters from the very beginning, much like similar “public” central banks. The allegedly private Federal Reserve is no different.  more here

6 Comments on Is the Federal Reserve a Private Bank? It Doesn’t Matter

  1. “It’s unclear, however, why a central bank that is private is any worse (or better) than a nationalized, government-owned central bank. ” Are you serious?
    What kind of dope writes this tripe? Privately owned Central Banks are the kiss of death on any country, In modern times they most always insist on fiat currency and a credit based economy rather than asset-based economy,,, AND they always, 100% of the time, end in failure and massive losses for the public while the owners of these “banks”. Them and their elite cohorts then scoop up all the assets with the worthless fiat they broke the foolish public with. Even if a State controlled Central Bank emerges the Global Elite Banking Cabal will soon have their influence and their “people” in the positions that matter via the revolving door. Just like the EPA and all other govt agencies they infiltrate. DUH.
    Keep stacking bitches… Central Banks fiat fails 100% of the time.

  2. If you honestly believe in the “free market,” then you CANNOT support the existence of the Federal Reserve or ANY central bank of any sort in a society. PERIOD. If you don’t understand that concept, go to the Ludwig von Mises Institute website and avail yourself of their THOUSANDS of free articles, books, etc. that can provide one of the best economics educations you could get anywhere. Actually, do that no matter HOW MUCH you think you know about economics. It is a treasure-trove of great education.


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