Girl Scouts Are Struggling – IOTW Report

Girl Scouts Are Struggling

BPR -The Girl Scouts of the USA could be about to implement a huge hike in annual fees amid financial struggles and declining membership numbers.

This weekend, 900 delegates of the GSUSA’s National Council will vote on whether to raise the membership dues for the first time in eight years with the proposed bump up from $25 annually to $85, a whopping 240 percent hike.

“We have collectively acknowledged that a membership dues increase is needed which is greater than the 25 percent (or $6.25) the National Board has authority to approve in a single triennium,” GSUSA President Noorain Khan and CEO Bonnie Barczykowski said in a handbook for the delegates who are set to cast their votes. more

21 Comments on Girl Scouts Are Struggling

  1. Boy Scouts did this several years back. They lost a lot of membership aft that. Then they followed up with the big changes that were its death knell. Declining membership, increasing costs, allowing others, allowing other leaders, changing their whole foundation allowing girls, and the massive loss of abuse in the courts have totally destroyed this once wonderful program. All of that after winning their cases to maintain the program for boys only.

  2. Just so you know; there used to be a Boy Scouts and a Girl Scouts. But feminists and the dickless men married to them, decided that equality was not good enough, they wanted superiority, so they killed the Boy Scouts and renamed it Scouting America. And they allowed girls to join as well, so now there are no organizations for just boys, but girls get two different scouting scouting organizations to choose from.

    Boys are vilified and girls are lionized, this is where we are at.

  3. The Left is always going just the opposite of “if it ain’t broke don’t fix it.” They’re motto should be “If it ain’t broke, break it.”

    I feel very sad about the Boy Scouts, but the Girl Scouts was lost a long, long time ago — at least since they let Planned Parenthood get involved with the org.

  4. Maybe if the Girl Scouts cut ties with “Planned Parenthood” memberships would increase.
    Or maybe if they baked their own cookies where each troop could get 100% of the profits rather than about 22%, dues wouldn’t need raised.

  5. We have not supported the Girl scouts since Planned Parenthood and the lesbians took over. When the cute little girls stop me on the way out of the store, to ask if I wanna buy their cookies, I mosey close to their moms and tell them we don’t support Planned Parenthood.

  6. Like Wiliey, I harangue the moms about Abortion Merit Badges®, (fake I made up) at the cookie table. I will not support teaching young girls that murder is okay as long as we haven’t yet named the child.

  7. It wouldn’t be so bad if the morons making the cookies gave you at least 1 cent of the cookie your biting into. Girl Scout cookies have gone by the wayside of ripping you off for any box you order.

  8. $85 is not a lot of money, particularly when you consider all of the other expenses they will incur if they are active through the year.
    No, it’s for other reasons that people aren’t signing up.


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