Missouri Dem Senate Candidate Lucas Kunce Accidentally Shoots Reporter at Event with Adam Kinzinger  – IOTW Report

Missouri Dem Senate Candidate Lucas Kunce Accidentally Shoots Reporter at Event with Adam Kinzinger 

GatewayPundit- Toxic RINO Adam Kinzinger was out campaigning with Missouri Senate Democrat candidate Lucas Kunce when a reporter covering the event was hit by shrapnel.

The geniuses were shooting at steel targets 10 feet away. more here

17 Comments on Missouri Dem Senate Candidate Lucas Kunce Accidentally Shoots Reporter at Event with Adam Kinzinger 

  1. A case of “projection” turned into reality.
    “I want to take away your guns because of what I’m afraid I might do myself. Oops. I actually did it.”

  2. …maybe Democrats shouldnt play with guns…between this, Awolz’s shotgun fumbling, and their attempt on President Trump’s life that “backfired” BIGLY, perhaps they should leave the firearms to the adults since they CLEARLY have no skill with them…

  3. SNS,
    I’d give DildoCrats one or two opportunities to be TRAINED with, and shoot guns….under close supervision, of course. Ya never know what may occur between the ears when taking that first shot downrange.
    I never had guns in my house growing up. It wasn’t until I entered the Army that I picked up my first rifle, and shot terrible with it. After some training, I qualified, and have never been without some form of firearm since.

  4. These people should not be able to own or handle guns. Steel targets are kicked over at an angle for a reason. They spit the bullet in a down ward trajectory. These clowns, military trained clowns, are shooting at a home range, at a flat piece of steel plate, face directly towards them, at 10 feet, with a 3,000 fps projectile. What exactly did Adam Kinzinger do in the military anyway? This explains a lot about that asshole.
    PS, 10 feet is considered CQC at most gun fight schools. Meaning you shoot from the hip.

  5. I was just south of the Petroleum county line in Philips County Mt shooting prairie dogs and heard someone shooting at something steel about half a mile away and hiked over to take a look at what they were shooting. There were three or four guys in front of me shooting at a pice of abandoned equipment about a hundred yards directly in front of them with a M1a or Garand. They were below me and about fifty raids in front of me and I could hear the whining of the ricochets that were going over my head. I got the hell out of there.

    These Democrat idiots are damn lucky they didn’t kill someone.

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