‘He’s Not Helping’: Ex-CNN Analyst Says Biden’s Call To ‘Lock’ Trump ‘Up’ Is ‘Absolutely Bad For Kamala Harris’ – IOTW Report

‘He’s Not Helping’: Ex-CNN Analyst Says Biden’s Call To ‘Lock’ Trump ‘Up’ Is ‘Absolutely Bad For Kamala Harris’

Daily Caller:

Former CNN political analyst Chris Cillizza said Wednesday that President Joe Biden’s comment about having to “lock [former President Donald Trump] up” is damaging to Vice President Kamala Harris’ campaign.

Biden made the “lock him up” remark Tuesday at New Hampshire’s Democratic National Committee office, referencing the tight race between Trump and Harris and claiming the former president believes he is immune from “physically eliminating” threats. Cillizza, on his YouTube channel, said while he does not believe Biden is deliberately undermining Harris, his comment will likely give Trump a boost in his efforts to defeat her. more

6 Comments on ‘He’s Not Helping’: Ex-CNN Analyst Says Biden’s Call To ‘Lock’ Trump ‘Up’ Is ‘Absolutely Bad For Kamala Harris’

  1. ‘small plant stand’! Ha! Good one. A small plant stand. I can see it all. Great visual, don’t dare bump it or it’ll fall over, won’t hold much of a plant, really kind of in the way rather than useful.

    They have nothing, they know they have nothing and they can’t do anything about having nothing because they can’t even pivot from this nothing to the other nothing. There’s nothing there. The squawk about the ‘danger to our democracy’ ties into the Billy Bush ‘pussy grabbing’ tape which was misrepresented all along… kind of like all the shit the communists have thrown at Trump, none of which has stuck in any realistic evaluation. Freaks have him down as a felon, a pussy grabber and a mean tweeter but they are just that, freaks, and everyone paying attention knows it. That dog don’t hunt big or small.

  2. Joe, you’re goose-stepping all over Kamala’s “Trump is just like Hitler” attack. Be a surrogate, not a slurrogate.

    And speaking of lockups, where is Jill? Is Gwen Walz with her in the Witless Protection program now?

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