Major Freak Outs Over LA Times Refusal to Endorse Kamala Harris – IOTW Report

Major Freak Outs Over LA Times Refusal to Endorse Kamala Harris


The political tremor coming out of Los Angeles this week was the city’s largest newspaper, the L.A. Times, refusing to endorse Kamala Harris — a seismic decision from a national news outlet widely viewed as even further to the left than the New York Times and the Washington Post.

Now the spotlight is shining on the newspaper’s owner — biotech billionaire Dr. Patrick Soon-Shiong, one of the wealthiest men in Los Angeles. Soon-Shiong is a political liberal but is also known to be a pragmatic businessman who is willing to cross the political aisle if it’s good for the bottom line. It was reportedly Soon-Shiong who overruled his own newspaper’s editorial board, blocking its plan to endorse Kamala Harris. More

Both Subscribers are dropping the Times and the Editorial Board Editor quit over the refusal of the paper to approve any presidential candidate in this election cycle.

10 Comments on Major Freak Outs Over LA Times Refusal to Endorse Kamala Harris

  1. “There have been persistent rumors that Soon-Shiong has been looking to sell the Times after having unloaded the San Diego Union-Tribune last year. The Times is costing his family a fortune to run..”

    Most of the big city liberal newspapers are money pits, they’re only there to maintain the legacy media narrative.

  2. I just drove up 99 from Bakersfield. Pure AG. We counted over 50 Trump/Vance big ass signs on these farmers,ranchers,orchard owners property facing the freeway. For those of you unfamiliar, 99 runs right through the central valley. Once called Americas bread basket. All Hispanic. These peeps usually vote Democrat for the subsidies. Apparently not this time. Never saw a single Harris sign.

  3. LA Times is pretty much done and done.

    @Bad Brad. US 101, Interstate 5, and US 99, three ways out of LA going north. I’ve driven up them many times. Beautiful and bountiful farmland, with the Sierra’s to the east and Coast Ranges to the west. For many years the farmers had signs criticizing the Ca. gov’t regarding its water policies. I bet most of those signs are still there along with the Trump/Vance signs.

    California is still the most beautiful state. It’s the government and lefties that have screwed up so much that was good here.

  4. Tim Buktu
    If you continue north beyond Sacratamato those water signs still exist. Rice country. 90 percent of that crop is sold to China. Or Chyna, as Trump says it. And our state Gov is clamping down on water rights for rice farmers. I know them well. I’ve murdered ducks up and down that valley. Those farmers are feeling pretty abandoned. Fucking Newsom is useless as a screen door on a submarine. We literally have a retarded asshole running this state. For 8 years. Elon Musk should publish the amount of tax revenue California lost when he moved out. I’ll bet just his unsecured property tax would almost approach 500 mil. That might be really low. What was Newsom’s response? Fuck off. We don’t need you. Such a simple minded asshole. Keep in mind
    Harvey Weinstein fucked his wife more than little dick Gavin did. She sued him, and then flipped a bitch and asked him for advice on how to help her fagot husband get re-elected. You can’t make this shit up. If we’re going to save this country these people at the very least need to be LOCKED THE FUCK UP. I’m wondering what business Gavin has ever been successful at? He was elected because of his blood line. There’s a revolution coming, and it just might start in Cali.

  5. California used to be a Republican state.
    They flooded the state with illegals and it’s now a one-party state. And look what happened to that beautiful state.
    That’s the plan for America.

  6. “They flooded the state with illegals and it’s now a one-party state.”

    Partially. What wrecked California was Globalism. I grew up in the Silicon Valley. Back in the 80’s it was hard core conservative. I can tell you some stories if you’re interested in the truth. Probably not.

  7. Truth be told what destroyed California took place during the dust bowl migration when tons of dumb ass hicks, both black and white infiltrated this state. Most blacks that live here showed up then. And now they’re DEMANDING reparations when California as never ever a slave state. This never would have happened except for our pandering little fagot Gov. I never owned a slave and no black here ever picked cotton so fuck off. Near as I can tell little Gavin is trying to start a race war here in Cali.

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