Gwen Walz yanked off campaign trail for being a weird [REDACTED] – IOTW Report

Gwen Walz yanked off campaign trail for being a weird [REDACTED]

Revolver– Looks like “Tampon” Tim’s bizarre wife got yanked off the campaign trail—of all places, in Maine. Word has it she was all set to speak, but the powers-that-be decided to pull the plug for reasons unknown. However, given her past “Karen-like” antics on the trail, the rumor mill is in overdrive. Word on the street is that Gwen Walz’s scheduled speech was nixed because she’s a cringe factory and is alienating men with her weird, finger-wagging HR persona. more

15 Comments on Gwen Walz yanked off campaign trail for being a weird [REDACTED]

  1. She peaked too early. Telling the world how she left the windows open during the riots so she could enjoy the perfume of burning tires and buildings left her with little to no room for “improvement”. Hey, Gwen, maybe you could try balloon sculpture or hand shadow puppets!

  2. I don’t get the HR vibe from her. HR people don’t act like that. They are generally legalistic and low-key ass-coverers. They contract people like Gwen to do the hectoring and take the heat if it goes south.

    I see a second grade teacher lording it over her class of cowering children and reveling in her absolute control. All that’s missing is the purple hair, nose ring and sixty pounds.

  3. I posted similar to this before of the first “lady” of MN, but just as I believe you need not look any further than Awolz’ cowardice under threat of literal GUNfire that he forced OTHERS to endure in his stead should be automatically disqualifying for him to EVER have public trust again, so too do I believe that Gwen Awolz’ olfactory infatuation with ACTUAL fire as long as it doesnt directly involve HER should automatically DQ HER from ever having responsibility or authority over, or even interactions with, human beings on any level ever again as it shows the woman is a sociopath who is completely lacking in empathy and compassion for true suffering or ANY comprehension of the fear-filled deaths her derelict husband abandoned his own citizens to; that the woman is sick and needs to be kept from being anywhere NEAR government until she dies, for the sake of the governed.

    Here’s why.

    First, as one dedicated and once sworn to undo the handiwork of arsonists, I have made my position on arson pretty clear. I consider an arsonist to be a murderer, a thief, and the lowest sort of scum even if they set no more than a dumpster on fire, as any fire can get quickly out of hand and maim and kill indiscriminately. An arsonist has no respect for fire or for life, and as such an arsonist should be burned to death
    in recompense for his actions in the public square regardless of his motivations.

    That’s where I’m at on that.

    …But because of my relationship with fire I am quite familiar with the odors of burning tires, as well as the rest of the car; also the smell of burning homes, torched hair, boiled blood, and charred flesh is very much in my olfactory library too, smells that the less educated Mrs. Waltz was likely also smelling but didn’t deign to acknowledge.

    It’s the smell of a life destroyed, either in part financially, or in complete physically.

    It’s the smell of someone losing their life’s labor at best, and their own and their loved one’s lives at worst.

    Its the smell of a person who will need surgery after surgery to cut painful scarring that locks arms from extending, pulls hands into claws, requires mechanical scrubbing off of dead skin from tender new flesh, even as the person lives an isolated life in as anaseptic environment as possible lest the fire kill them weeks later from an opportunistic infection, breathing through a tracheotomy because of the severe heat damage to their entire upper airway.

    Its the smell of a person burned to a barely recognizable mass, limbs scorched to mere flippers and flesh melted from bone, eyeballs popped from the heat and whats left of the skeleton too brittled by the flames for the mortitian to do very much with.

    It’s the smell of death.

    …as for their stuff and things, I have seen people who lose “only” property through no fault of their own as they sit, bundled in the Red Cross blanket that now represents their only earthly possession, be sick with fear for themselves and their families as their nest is consumed by flames, wafting everything they built for their family over the course of their lives into the heavens in a shower of sparks as they cough some other portion of their erstwhile ownings out of their
    lungs. The Red Cross still did things then beyond Democrat politics, but they could at best find them lodging for a night, a week, maybe some donated clothes, but they didn’t have a truck big enough to hold their forever home in or a car in tow that they could use to get to work tomorrow.

    Insurance? Sure, many people have that, did do some of the folks I saw good if they had the time and patience to thread through the insurance Rocks and Shoals, but some didn’t; and here’s the thing that Democrats don’t tell you, insurance policies often SPECIFICALLY exclude acts of civil unrest.

    You know, like the ones Walzette was taking so much pleasure in.

    So NOW what? Folks who were just living their lives are en masse burned out of them by the mobs she and her husband (and apparently her daughter who fed information about National Guard responses to the rioters) who are not millionaires and do not have taxpayer funded armed security now have to live in riotous streets, deprived of facilities for every human need, their medicines and medical devices and clothing lost, deprived even of a door to put between them and the night just so some Democrat could make a political point that has nothing to do with them, and they get to fend for themselves and their families with NO help from the disaster-sniffing Walzes.

    …even on “just” a property level, people are devastated by losses as they impact them financially and emotionally. I was once at a garage fire where the car burned up inside the garage, destroying the car and doing a fair amount of damage to the garage and attached house. One of my younger colleagues who was assigned to the removal of the vehicle once the tow truck got there thought it would be funny to jump
    into the wireframe remains of the front seat and ape as though he were steering the car with the melted and drooping steering wheel, which he did with exaggerated gestures as though the onlookers were dispassionate observers who would be amused by his antics.

    Unfortunately, the guy who owned the car wasn’t a dispassionate observer and didn’t find it a bit funny, although his sense of humor may have been somewhat affected by the burn injuries he received when he tried to fight it himself. In any case he got quite upset and, as these affairs tend to draw local media attention everyone in the vicinity got to see and (partially) hear him being quite upset, and understandably so; being deprived of a means of transport and a place to live in the same day that one is injured isn’t a laughing affair.

    …so if this – person – TRULY wants to smell what justice smells like, perhaps she should be immolated instead of hung when the time comes, preferably before her death and possibly as the means of it.

    Maybe when she goes to hell with the scent of her own demise by fire, the weird gaggingly sweet smell of her own cracked and roasted flesh in her singed nostrils as she chokes her last on the plasma that leaks from her burn-swollen throat, she will be able to cry to the uncaring devil she serves that she now understands, which I’m sure he’ll be more than happy to mock her about.

    Her final “touchstone” should be brimstone.

    Only then will TRUE justice

  4. SNS, I bow to your command of the English language. Yes, this reader of books about sodomites to children definitely deserves an “appropriate” reward for enjoying the scent of arson.

  5. Compassion or empathy aren’t just natural parts of a personality. They often are developed through experiences some of which may be extremely unpleasant for the individual. A lack of experiences leaves a person much less able to ‘relate’ and more able to be committed to ideological purities of all kinds. Enjoying the smell of someone else’s life effort being destroyed by fire is a sentiment only a person with the emotional development of a child, a spoiled one at that, would express publicly. The whole of the circumstance is utterly disqualifying in a leader. Point is, she said it and he condoned it. He’s the elected person, she’s just some ginch, yet he agreed with her childish sentiment by allowing it to get out into the public unopposed. Hang ’em both is the correct move, not until they are dead, but until they are absolutely convinced they are going to die. Then cut ’em down and ask how they feel about the smell of people’s lives being consumed by criminal activity they support and condone. If the answer is satisfactory no further punishment is necessary, if not satisfactory, back into the air with them.

  6. Kammy picking Walz as her VP is the sordid gift that keeps on giving and may be the straw that breaks the camel’s back that keeps her from becoming president. With a pervert, loser VP candidate like tampon timmy who is her running mate who needs enemies. Kammy is bad enough but timmy makes her chances of becoming president even worse.

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