CNN’s Upload of the Harris Town Hall is Riddled With Anti-Harris Comments – IOTW Report

CNN’s Upload of the Harris Town Hall is Riddled With Anti-Harris Comments

This is glorious.

Go and see.

It’s legit polling data.

8 Comments on CNN’s Upload of the Harris Town Hall is Riddled With Anti-Harris Comments

  1. She is becoming a laughing stock for the Demos.

    Sadly too many are still/have drunk the kool-aid.

    She may not be Hitler but she’s guarding the gates to the American gulog!

  2. Must Watch!

    This is how much respect this drug-addled piece of human trash has for America, Americans, and its cherished institutions:

    …OK, ladies first! Take your pick of the different sizes of Louisville sluggers in the barrel, if you please…. or, you may want to use your bare fists. it’s you choice!

  3. “Hey, Madam Vice President Kamalcum, you know who doesn’t answer questions and always changes the subject? That’s right: Donald Trump!”

    That just might be the weirdest thing I’ve ever read.

  4. Observation of a Premeditated and Intentional Guiltless Lynching of Donald Trump – One Man’s Opinion

    1) Anti-Trump Hate Speech-like accusations bordering on justifiable “Fighting Words” with no one present to verify and/or back up the egregious opinions of those whom Harris is citing, including doctors to back up her accusations that Trump is mentally unfit for the Presidency.

    2) Trump was not invited by CNN to publicly appear and defend himself on this most insidious “hit-and-run, assault-and-battery and cowardly hit piece lynching” concocted by CNN, willingly assisted and orchestrated by Harris and presented publicly to millions on a bloody platter.

    3) This is how Harris has been planning and acting out eliminating her competition by trolling for amateur and/or voluntary assassins and avoid direct involvement, such as hiring professional assassins. In this way, since Trump is totally absent from the entire premeditated attempted lynching and murder the assassin(s) will feel justified in assassinating the intentionally defenseless accused, since the assassin has no further knowledge of their target other than Trump is another dangerous Hitler, a threat to America and “Democracy” and mentally incapable of holding office.

    4) Based upon observations of this premeditated, cowardly attempt in a hit-and-run public lynching, Anderson Cooper and CNN are also accessories to this cowardly-concocted hit-and-run broadcast.

  5. Should have quit while she was ahead. She managed to finagle and whore her way into a position far above where she should ever have when she was the token box checker to the usurper.


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