Truth About the Ukraine War – IOTW Report

Truth About the Ukraine War

15 Comments on Truth About the Ukraine War

  1. We were ready to have World War III in 1962 because the Soviets put misiles in Cuba. But when we do the same thing to Russia, we can’t figure out why they are unhappy.

    Granted, the war in Ukraine benefits the defense contractors. Maybe a war in 1962 would have done the same thing. (Maybe when that didn’t work they brought us Viet Nam.)

  2. Although all true, he left this out; the “Kompromat” (embarrassing materials used as a weapon of influence through blackmail) Ukraine has on Biden.

    The Biden crime family profited immensely through monies funneled from Burisma, these transactions were facilitated by Ukraine on one end and Biden on the other. Any disruption of foreign aid to Ukraine risks the ire of the little naked piano player, can’t have that.

  3. Radio – recall that we first put our Thor missiles in Turkey before the Soviets put theirs in Cuba. The deal we made was to remove our missiles if they removed theirs. This was not widely publicized by the American mainstream media.

  4. True, general malaise, and recall that Turkey was the first country added to NATO’s charter membership. And at the time, Turkey shared a border with the Soviet Union. I don’t know why our cold warriors thought it was good strategy to put nuclear missiles just across the border from the USSR, but it was an era of brinksmanship, and there were many opportunities to take us to the brink.

    Now move forward 30 years into the future, to the collapse of the USSR, and the birth of the Russian Federation. From the earliest days, the RF made it clear that it did not want former Warsaw Pact countries to join NATO, but would have to accept that happening. But what the RF also made Red Line clear was that former Soviet Republics bordering the Russian Federation were not, under any circumstances, to join NATO. NATO, already bloated to more than twice its original size and moving farther and farther from the North Atlantic, naturally paid no attention to Russia’s declaration, because NATO saw Russia as a weak sister.

    Now, NATO has gone a bridge too far, depleted its “defensive” weaponry, lost credibility and gained hostility all around the world. And the idiots who run the show in NATO are STILL talking about putting nuclear missiles on Russia’s border. All for the western establishment’s MIC.

  5. If Putin is going to send a nuke, could he do humanity a HUGE favor and hit Davos during the next WEF meeting? (Please ensure ALL of their top attendees are there!)
    Don’t worry about radioactive fallout – the mountains will ensure contamination is relatively small, and the radiation will prevent anyone from trying to rescue any potential survivors.

  6. Obama started it in earnest by creating a epidemic of racism. Hillary Clinton joined in, as did Pelosi and Schumer. Biden topped the cake. The present dumb whore running for president is doing what she’s told: keep the hate alive. And let’s not forget the media scum helping them.

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