Ukraine to Receive Shipments of US Land Mines – IOTW Report

Ukraine to Receive Shipments of US Land Mines


US President Joe Biden has agreed to give Ukraine anti-personnel land mines, a US defence official told the BBC, a move seen as an attempt to slow Russian troops who have been steadily advancing in Ukraine’s east in recent months.

The official, who was speaking on condition of anonymity, said such mines would be delivered soon and Washington expected that they would be used on Ukraine’s territory.

Ukraine was also committed to not using the mines in densely-populated areas, the official said. More

Ukraine is part of the Ottawa Treaty which makes land mines illegal for signatory nations. The mines we’re giving Ukraine are “non-persistent” meaning they deactivate over time. Here

Russia however never signed the treaty and has been planting antipersonnel mines all over Ukrainian territory. Here

17 Comments on Ukraine to Receive Shipments of US Land Mines

  1. The push for nuclear war continues. I hope Trumps talking to Putin and telling him we will turn over this entire administration and the Russians can try the for war crimes. Fuck these idiots.

  2. Biden’s handlers (Obama and the deep state scum that control him) are bound and determined to leave Trump and the rest of us with WWIII. I hope that the dims finally wake up and see this for the treasonous act that it is (a guy can dream can’t he). I also hope that the incoming Trump administration has a back channel to Putin so that we can avoid nuclear war when all sane people everywhere don’t want it. If anyone had any doubts as to how insanely the dims would react to losing power at this stage, this escalation by the “Biden administration” should prove what kind of evil scum has been ruling us from the shadows for the last several years.

  3. “This situation will get out of control. It will get out of control and we will be lucky to live through it.”

    They really want to screw Trump over while they shove Putin’s face in the mud. This is mega stupid.

  4. that non persistent line was a real hoot. someone should ask what the failure rate of the self destructions is. oh the mines don’t always self destruct after the given time? ask me how I know.

  5. Ukraine to Receive Shipments of US Land Mines

    I’m OK with this as long as the mines are sent in plain packaging and delivered at random to Ukraine govt offices and to the homes of their corrupt bosses.

    (I’m not serious, of course, but the idea DOES make me grin grimly.)

  6. The BBC is full of shit. Ukraine has been using landmines throughout this entire conflict. They’re just running out and need some to sprinkle around as they run back to Kiev.

    “The United States is not a member, but in June 2022, President Joe Biden set the US goal of ultimately joining the treaty…”

    but but but Russia landmines and stuff! Get bent, BBC.

  7. Two months from now, this loser goes into the dustbin of history, but 60 days is plenty of time for this corrupt fraud to inflict serious damage to America and abroad.

    Watch for scorched earth. Biden is a wounded bear; a mentally deficient, morally perverted danger.


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