“Flag Planting” on Rival’s Home Field Leads to Numerous Brawls – IOTW Report

“Flag Planting” on Rival’s Home Field Leads to Numerous Brawls

Yahoo! Sports

College football was a combat sport on rivalry Saturday.

Rivalry week matchups are always heated with tensions and resentments building. But four annual clashes ended with fights between opponents when the winning road team attempted to plant a flag on the home field of their adversary to punctuate a victory.

Each scuffle was notable for different reasons. But they were all provoked by similar sentiments. The victors wanted to make a statement, while the defeated wanted to protect their home turf and prevent further indignity. More

10 Comments on “Flag Planting” on Rival’s Home Field Leads to Numerous Brawls

  1. There’s nothing wrong with a bunch of college football players pushing and shoving after a football game. Hell, they all have helmets and full pads on, the only way to get hurt is to break your hand punching someone in the helmet. I’m surprised this is even a story, UM and Ohio State has been doing this for years.

  2. Planting your flag on an opposing teams home field is akin to sticking your purple headed yogurt thrower into one of their woman. I don’t follow sports much. But I do get this. I would suggest some governing body outlaw this new fad.

  3. Brad, it not a new fad at all. Heck, I lived in the Detroit area back almost 60 years ago, UM and Ohio State were doing it then. For some reason it’s in the news this year. I guess the “journalists” are trying to change the subject away from Biden and Harris getting their heads handed to them in the election.

  4. joe6pak
    Well like I say, don’t follow sports much anymore. Black Break dancers have ruined them for me. I’ll watch boxing and MMA but that’s about it. I guess I’m a racist. Or maybe homophobic. I can’t keep track anymore.

  5. They are no longer amateur athletes. Therefore IDGAS.

    And as any make it to the NFL,
    which now clearly is DESPERATE to get its formerly loyal paying fans back,
    I will maintain my IDGAS bias.

  6. Ns bring athleticism to the game. But they also bring hard core assholiness. Many of them can’t curb their shitty ghetto mentality. Sportsmanship is a completely alien concept to them. The OSU/Michigan brawl was all on a couple of stupid Ns on the Michigan squad. It wasn’t enough for them to pull off a huge upset and all but dash OSU’s chances for a national championship. They have to pile on the humiliation with their stupid flag stunt. Fuck them. And I don’t even like OSU.


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