Football Scoop
Larry “Bud” Wright, the winningest coach in the history of Indiana high school football, has resigned amid pressure from the administration at Sheridan High School.
Wright went 463-219 with nine state championships over the course of his career. One does not coach 682 games without racking up some years on the job; Wright spent 59 years at Sheridan and turns 84 this month.
WTHR-TV reported Wright was suspended one game this past season for alleged verbal abuse of a player, and faced an ultimatum from the Sheridan administration: resign or be fired. More
Wright was reportedly told, “resign or be fired.” Here
“alleged verbal abuse of a player”
This right here is why I look forward to being verbally abused.
I have a few guys I consider mentors. One of them is an actual gunsmith, apprenticed in Germany and then had his shingle out for almost sixty years in a country where either you deliver or get kicked out of the guild and are not legally allowed to call yourself a gunsmith. He has told me to either do it right or see if someone who does needs someone to sweep their floor and make sure there is toilet paper in the bathroom. In the past he has picked up something I’m working on, looked at it and just dropped it on my bench and said that hopes I don’t tell anyone that I learned to be lazy and do shit work from him. I owe him a debt of gratitude for treating my the way I deserved to be treated when I was being stupid, lazy or negligent. I was doing shit work before I met him and knew how to do good work, but didn’t. If he hadn’t cared enough to verbally abuse me I’d still be doing shit work. Others who are unqualified to judge my work thought it was great and told me so, others who knew I could be doing much better didn’t say anything, for fear of hurting my feelings maybe. They weren’t doing me any favors.
It’s a bitch to get old. And young people are so damn self centered you can’t give them advise. I’ll give women advise in the gym, but never a man.
I wrestled thru my second year in college. Off season I joined the “Boxing Club”. They wouldn’t approve a team because it was so violent. This was back in 1978. Well the guy tasked with teaching the class didn’t know shit about the sweet science so he hired an assistant coach who was a sparring partner for some of the popular heavy weights at the time. One day he brought this retired coach in. Black guy. I’m thinking mid eighties. His name should have been cotten. He must have been one hell of a coach because he displayed all the patience in the world to us dumb ass white boys. He layed some forgotten shit on us that is just irreplaceable and unfortunately forgotten. He was like the prototype Mik from Rocky. The class was an hour long and then he started telling stories from the old days. Good thing the bell rang or we’d still be there listening to this fountain of wisdom. In his day and age, age is discounted. There’s a reason we have all these scars. I don’t have a lot of respect for most young people.
Respect is earned, and it doesn’t happen overnight. I’m old, you would think I’d be shown more respect.
in this day and age
To be honest, I haven’t been shown a lack of respect. I was just putting in a good word for us old guys.
When Sheridan football becomes a perennial loser, they can always take solace knowing they removed that former coach who was just a little too old school for their liking.