Presidential Superpowers – IOTW Report

Presidential Superpowers


President-elect Donald J. Trump is Time’s Person of the Year. CNN’s Scott Jennings explained why that’s the case while delving into the superpower that the 47th president of the United States holds: the man is the destroyer of narratives. 

Trump has been slapped with over 100 criminal charges, had two attempts on his life, a Justice Department hell-bent on throwing him in jail, and endured a sustained media smear campaign for years. He still won the 2024 election. More

7 Comments on Presidential Superpowers

  1. I’ve been thinking about this for a while now. We should all (including myself) temper our expectations just a bit. Yes, we have never seen a political animal like Trump before, but the Deep State is an infection. It has tentacles in all facets of government (including our side). It is insatiable, predatory, and, like a virus, will do anything to survive.

    Probably the easiest department to clean up is the military. Disloyal officers do not have unions to protect them, they can be fired. But all other areas of government; defense contractors, government workers, independent contractors, lawyers, FBI deadbeats, staffers, and analysts of all types and degrees, have unions, contracts, and Biden-appointed judges, all will be an impediment to getting rid of the dead wood. Shrinking the size of government as it exists will be Herculean.

    Elon likes to tell the story of how when he bought Twitter, he told all his workers that they had to come into the office, a third of them quit. He then told the remaining that all would be expected to work overtime if needed, and another third quit. This is how you can shrink government, make them have to do real honest work. And a wage freeze wouldn’t hurt.

  2. Besides being otherworldly talented, Trump showed what sheer guts and determination can do. And he showed what “fuck you!” can do when confronted by woke/left/swamp bullshit.

  3. Brad

    Trump really is surrounding himself with the best and brightest. Ric is the very embodiment of MAGA, wicked smart and loyal as hell. He knows where the asses are that need kicking.

  4. Rich
    I thought Grenell did a much better job then Radcliffe. The new head of the CIA. Having said that, Radcliffe is an extremely low key guy. He says all the right things. You just need to listen really closely. I think he’s a super patriot too. I’m a very optimistic guy right now. All we need to do is get Trump sworn in.

  5. The Democrats bullied and scammed their way into power through the oppression of mascot (what everyone calls Identity) politics. They’ve been doing this for decades, but never more so than with oblowme, when they went Defcon 5. This move by “Mr. Constitutional Scholar” and his party had but one sorry conclusion in order to work, kill them all! Which is exactly what they tried to do with Covid jabs and lockdowns. Trump didn’t have to exert much physical energy to take them out, he simply presented them with a target they couldn’t sustain that much pressure on. And the Angels of God managed the assassination attempts. The majority of the country was ripe for a rest.

    (Die Hard — I just learned — is a Christmas movie. It could also sum up the past 20 years of Democrat politics and Trump’s triumph over their evil.)


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