8-Year-Old Hailed as a Hero for Saving His Friend’s Life During Lunch – IOTW Report

8-Year-Old Hailed as a Hero for Saving His Friend’s Life During Lunch

Western Journal

A second-grader from Mesa, Arizona, was honored last week for jumping into action to save a school classmate who was choking.

Thomas Conley, 8, was eating lunch at Porter Elementary School on Nov. 14 when he noticed his friend, Isaiah Rodriguez, was in distress, KPNX reported.

A grape had lodged in the boy’s throat, according to the report. more

6 Comments on 8-Year-Old Hailed as a Hero for Saving His Friend’s Life During Lunch

  1. “You shouldn’t be scared to help somebody.”

    …out of the mouths of babies…

    Someone, PLEASE carve this in stone, enshrine it in marble, and place it in EVERY hospital, EVERY doctor’s office, EVERY fire station, EVERY police station, and over EVERY door in the NYC subway system.

    Make EVERY person with ANY duty requiring patient contact swear it as an OATH.

    God bless that child, he is one who can THINK and ACT in a crisis, an increasingly rare thing these days.

    And God bless his folks for teaching him well.

    And its nice to see it written as “The Heimlich Maneuver”. They kind of moved away from that, but its still the best name for it.

    And may the Lord see his friend to a full recovery and use it to teach him wisdom and not fear.

    Great story, BFH.

    Thank you.

  2. “Thomas turned a regular lunchtime into an extraordinary act of bravery,”

    …some takeaways from this statement are;

    1) There IS no guarenteed “Regular lunchtime”.

    Shit happens. Any time. Any where. To any one. Life threatening crises are never scheduled and cannot be anticipated. Like the Boy Scouts of your before Democrats ruined them, Be Prepared” is the watchword. Learn CPR, learn Heimlich, have a Lifevac around any eating place because some arent physically capable of doing the Heimlich, have Narcan and mechanical blood stoppers because you never know and CAN never know until someone goes down and cant get up.

    2)” …an extraordinary act of bravery…”

    I agree. It certainly WAS, particuarly for an 8 yo.

    But it really SHOULDN’T be.

    It should be a duty taught to every man, woman, and child to do what they can when they can to save a life. This should be basic, dyed-in-the-wool stuff, that anyone with a SHRED of empathy, an OUNCE of compassion, or a PARTICLE of humanity intrinsically, instinctively DOES.

    Not everyone is mentally and/or physically capable of some lifesaving acts, I know this very well. But everyone has a voice so they can call for help. Everyone can get an AED from storage, guide an ambulance crew in, comfort and remove traumutized onlookers (that would be a LOT in a lunchroom full of kids), and if NO ONE has a greater training or ability…do SOMETHING.

    Because SOMETHING may work.

    You know whats guarenteed to NOT work?


    …Ive read on these pages of rescuers afraid to do CPR on woman because they may be accused of sexual assault, of EMTs betraying their Oath because they were afraid to go 10 feet into a nursing home hallway because of some CA regulation, of people letting a woman burn in a subway because they dont want to go to jail. I even had to save my sons life in a hospital once because a nurse was paralyzed into inaction because a doctor didnt answer his phone.

    Cowardice KILLS.

    …for myself, I hold to the position I was taught long ago, that when in doubt, error on the side of life.

    I am prepared to tell ANYONE, a parent, a grandmother, a jury, even my Lord that I did everything I possibly could to save them.

    I am neither prepared nor willing to explain to any of those that I let someone die because I was ascared.

    Everyone needs to be at LEAST as brave as an 8 yo boy.

    The world will be a better place if they are.


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