Yeah, Whatever. Bye. – IOTW Report

Yeah, Whatever. Bye.

Biden Says Goodbye with Boasting Letter of Self-Praise, Celebration, and Applause.

President Joe Biden issued a farewell letter to America on Wednesday ahead of his departure address. The self-regarding missive highlights what he claims is a legacy built on personal examples of leadership, strength, willpower, triumph over adversity and commitment.

Calling himself “a kid with a stutter from modest beginnings in Scranton, Pennsylvania, and Claymont, Delaware” who rose to the highest office in the land, the octogenarian now wants Americans to build on that personal example.

Biden touted resilience during the Chinese coronavirus epidemic and its associated economic crisis as exemplars to highly regard, arguing “we came together as Americans, and we braved through it. We emerged stronger, more prosperous, and more secure.”
See what else President Jill wrote- LOL

22 Comments on Yeah, Whatever. Bye.

  1. The one good thing about this fool being so bloody old, he won’t spend the next 10 (twenty) years trying pitifully to resuscitate his failed legacy like some other hanger’s on we know.

  2. Pride goeth before destruction, and an haughty spirit before a fall.

    He’s staring into the abyss and doesn’t realize it, yet.
    Pray for him to seek Jesus before he steps off.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  3. Biden gives his final FU to the nation tonight. It is 100% certain he’ll take credit for the peace deal announced today, along with energy independence, triumph of climate change and the defeat of Hitler.

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