I’m sure they’ll be counting ballots for months and months…
Breitbart: A California ballot initiative proposing that the state become its own country and secede from the United States has been filed and cleared for signature gathering.
If the measure makes it onto the November 2028 ballot, it would ask voters: “Should California leave the United States and become a free and independent country?” local news outlet KCRA3 reported on Friday.
The guidelines would require 50 percent of registered voters to participate and a “yes” vote from 55 percent of voters, which would indicate “a vote of no confidence in the United States of America,” according to the report. The measure would further show that the “will of the people of California” is to become a country. more here
LOL. wait, they’re trying to get money from the feds now for disaster recovery. Newsoms got us 160 billion in debt. Too funny. I’m not thinking NorCals going along with any of this. I’m still laughing.
There is a lot of California the rest of us would like to kick the hell out of the United States. It shows up on a map of the recent election as blue.
It’s like the man said, there’s actually more conservatives in California than any other state. Gods honest. Research it.
For California to make it as a separate country will, I think, require it to raise state taxes to equalize what it’ll lose in Federal aid and assistance.
Liberals will be OK with that, but normal people won’t.
Sure, let liberals start the Civil War.
I say they won’t finish it as victors.
We’re gonna need a bigger wall.
After they finish paying us for all the federal property there (a guaranteed prerequisite), no democrat will ever take the White House again. Can we give them Portland and Seattle as throw-ins?
Can we put that initiative on the other 49 ballots too? I’d vote in Virginia for California to secede.
The aholes can save a lot of time by moving to Cuba and get what they want immediately.
Good. Popcorn is ready. Munch munch munch.
This show is awesome.
Nuisance has delusions of adequacy. He can’t run the state as it is.
As for “Legally seceding the country would require a constitutional amendment, which would require the approval of Congress and 38 states”, that’s a lot of nonsense. Nowhere in the US Constitution is secession forbidden and, as the 10th Amendment puts it, “The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the states, are reserved to the states respectively, or to the people”.
Of course, all this will come as a shock to those intelligent, educated (not to mention tolerant and compassionate) Lefties.
Another Kali pipe dream. The War Of Northern Aggression should have proven that the Fed Gov will do ANYTHING including wage war to keep a state…ANY state…from leaving.
The War of Northern Aggression was waged to keep the tariffs on Southern Cotton and other agricultural products. CA offers nothing. It is a great sink, not source, of money. The United States would do well to be rid of that southern part of CA which is such a cancer on that State. That independence should not include those counties which choose to stay, and the other (blue) counties should be forced to go.
Self-determination was one of Wilson’s 14 points (I believe) and those southern counties, along with Portland, OR, and Seattle, WA, should be forced out of the Union (along with Chicago and some other cities/counties) to stagger on as best they can.
Wall them off or surround them with barbed wire and allow nothing in or out.
Let them strangle on their independence.
I believe there is an historical precedent for this. If memory serves, it didn’t work out so well.
Let them, then immediately invade and arrest all Democrats and RINOs for treason. Free the people of CA from the northeast liberal invasion that has destroyed the West Coast for decades.
California doesn’t have what it takes to be successful at this; Men willing to fight for Gavin Newscum.
Better they should secede from their current governor.
We…up in TRUE Northern California AKA The State of Jefferson. We would only accept the California seceding from the US…if we could at the same time….still be in the US as the State of Jefferson. Good riddance to the
The State of Jefferson is a proposed U.S. state, since the early 1900’s that would span mostly rural area of southern Oregon and northern California (proposed U.S. state that would span mostly rural area of southern Oregon and northern California…(NOT including the Bay area) The momvement has been trying to divorce from California since WWII and even before.
“In the 2016 election (and 2024), every county included in the Jefferson separation movement voted for Donald Trump with wide margins, and are dependably Republican when voting for representation in the House and state legislature.”
We have the abundance of water, lumber, natural resources, hydro power production, agriculture, and would be glad to negotiate with the new Country Of California for those ….ata fair price.
oops entered too soon.111 Good riddance to San Francisco and the rest of California.
Take the corruption out of California elections and the communists will never win again.
I’d rather be fishing off the coast of Arizona!
Remember that “Gold Rush”? It was “Fools Gold”.
I wonder what NGO got the contract to fill in all the fake mail-in ballots?
Don’t let the screen door hit you on your way out.