Karoline Leavitt Laughs at NBC Reporter’s Question, Teaches Him a Lesson About Illegal Aliens – IOTW Report

Karoline Leavitt Laughs at NBC Reporter’s Question, Teaches Him a Lesson About Illegal Aliens

Western Journal- Members of the establishment media tend to come across as unfathomably stupid, and many of them are.

One must never forget, however, that the establishment media does the bidding of its establishment masters. And those masters have shown for decades that they despise ordinary American citizens. Thus, in many cases the media’s stupidity qualifies as willful.

At a press conference on Tuesday — the first such regularly scheduled event during President Donald Trump’s second administration — NBC News White House correspondent Peter Alexander demonstrated the blurred lines between abject stupidity and dutiful narrative-peddling when he posed an asinine-sounding question about illegal immigrants, to which new White House press secretary Karoline Leavitt responded with a chuckle, followed by an elementary explanation of what makes an illegal immigrant a criminal. more

8 Comments on Karoline Leavitt Laughs at NBC Reporter’s Question, Teaches Him a Lesson About Illegal Aliens

  1. These pedestrian journo mediocrities are recycling worn-out tropes from years gone by. It is amusing to hear them drone on and on about illegals “doin’ the jobs Americans won’t do” and stubbornly insisting on calling them “refugees”. When I hear them desperately trying to link deportation with inflation and fretting about “the price of eggs”, “picking our crops” and “the price of bacon”, I have to laugh.

    They’ve got no new arrows in the quiver, but they’ve got a whole lot more murder, rape, mayhem and welfare leeches to excuse and defend. Steve Miller almost made Fake Tapper cry about it today and JD Vance broke Marge Brennan yesterday. Which journo is going to be on a gurney to the waambulance tomorrow?

    They’d better change the subject, because this one ain’t working for them at all.

  2. Many years ago (decades actually) when I began college it was understood that the easiest courses were in Education and Journalism. And with that, the GPA’s of those students were the lowest of any major tract within the university. It is obvious that was true throughout the country, and has never changed for the better.

  3. Joyless Behar said the only reason she was given the job is because she’s a Ten.

    True enough, Leavitt is a 10. Behar is probably jealous of every woman over a two. Or maybe over a one, Or maybe over a zero.

    A complete head to toe makeover might give Joy a better attitude.

  4. Leavitt is such a stellar improvement over mop-haired, queer, black Raggedy Ann leftard WH Press Secretary Jean-Pierre from the Biden Administration. Leavitt, a breath of fresh air – smart, focused and a solid conservative.


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