Victor Davis Hanson in American Greatness
The current self-destructive obsessions with DEI/woke racialism, bi-coastal talk-down elitism, boutique transgenderism, and nonstop America Lastism all came to fruition during the Biden years. A shameless conspiracy to use an enfeebled John Biden as a prop to masque an otherwise unpalatable radical, neo-socialist agenda ensured the MAGA counterrevolution.
But instead of postmortem autopsy and introspection, since Election Day, the Democrats have doubled down on their veritable collective self-destruction. More
Give ’em more rope!
Marxists and Communists are the Democrat Party leading the lame, stupid and ignorant.
The blue dog, thinking, well informed and JFK Democrats are no longer in the Democrat Party.
The current self-destructive obsessions with DEI/woke racialism, bi-coastal talk-down elitism, boutique transgenderism, and nonstop America Lastism all came to fruition during the Biden years
Yeah, Butthole biden gets most the blame but it’s Obutthole and Soros that were/are ram-rodding the attacks against America.
never interrupt the enemy while they’re making a mistake.
Get those factories out of mothballs and start producing good U.S.A. rope as fast as possible so we don’t have to rely on China crap that will break the first time it gets pulled taught.
Good thing they legalized weed.
The byproduct is great for making rope.
VDH has been on a roll lately
I’m waiting, and I haven’t heard it yet. “Donald Trump is committing a Constitutional Crisis”
Really? How so? Be specific. They’re playing the same old game. Say it long enough and it becomes fact. Imagine, stopping outright thievery by Government employees is a Constitutional crisis. And the ones doing the stealing are the ones doing the screaming.
if they’re hanged with razor wire that might be more efficient and longer lasting. hemp rope is pretty cheap comparatively though.
This is fucking incredible. These people need to be tracked down. Those were our tax dollars asshole. I don’t think they get it.