The Resistance Has Chosen the Hill It Wishes to Die On – IOTW Report

The Resistance Has Chosen the Hill It Wishes to Die On

The Federalist

State attorneys general of nearly half the country have signed a secret resistance pact against a key facet of President Donald Trump’s immigration policy, according to The Heritage Foundation’s Oversight Project.

“Of all the things in the world they could have picked — gas, groceries, protecting minorities, making sure kids can get their genitals chopped off, whatever else they claim is their top priority — instead, it’s birthright citizenship,” Mike Howell, executive director of The Oversight Project, told The Federalist. “It shows that the border policies were always political.” More

18 Comments on The Resistance Has Chosen the Hill It Wishes to Die On

  1. Of all of the bullshit that they have grabbed onto, this and their trans bullshit not only doesn’t resonate with 2/3 of America, 2/3 of America is adamantly opposed to it. This is manifestation of how deathly afraid of their base going all ballistic with regard to not being able to throw a temper tantrum and get their own way.

    They have grabbed onto and cobbled together a coalition of malignant pricks that have spent their lives first self marginalizing until they were ostracized by people who don’t share any common interest with weirdos, then swooped in and instead of telling the bastards to seek professional help from a legitimate psychological healthcare provider they

  2. Told them that it’s not them that is as fucked up as a football bat, it is everybody else not having evolved. They created an environment in which there is no easy escape. Fuck them, they deserve each other and they deserve the misery they have caused themselves.

  3. Democrats always stick together. Always, purely, a power grab or move to force their way on you.

    This all they can muster these days. The best they can do. Something that was likely never to change anyway. But MAN they sure are wringing out what little they can and will say it’s a victory if it never happens. OOH! Look at us baddies! Clenched fist in the air and all.

  4. “State attorneys general of nearly half the country have signed a secret resistance pact against a key facet of President Donald Trump’s immigration policy …”

    I don’t know, but doesn’t that sound a lot like conspiracy to commit Treason?

    They aren’t simply undermining President Trump’s immigration policies, they’re undermining EXISTING LAW (which are the bases of President Trump’s immigration policies).

    They should be referred to the Justice Dept. for investigation.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  5. Aren’t interstate compacts illegal? In civics class in 8th grade, we learned that one of the rationales for having a federal government was explicitly to prevent such things.

  6. Don’t drop your guard now.
    Never forget that Democrats ALWAYS had the Republicans watching their back. Until now. Maybe.

    “Know them by what they DO.”

  7. @ TheMule FRIDAY, 14 FEBRUARY 2025, 21:10 AT 9:10 PM

    True, but be very careful not to key on that. They are just one subset that comprises the progressive movement, which is the umbrella organization they belong to. The Republican establishment is just as invested and just like the Mafia just as pernicious and destructive to the common good of the population at large.

    The Republican establishment plays the part that the corrupt politicians and law enforcement plays in the mob. They go out into the community and act like they oppose the Mafia operation, when in fact they facilitate and protect it. The Republican establishment plays that roll and has been doing the exact same thing.


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