“You Will Get No Mercy” – IOTW Report

“You Will Get No Mercy”

Sargon of Akkad

The woke left refused to listen, and now they are going to be destroyed. Watch

21 Comments on “You Will Get No Mercy”

  1. Every single libtard should do themselves a favor and watch this. They’ll laugh it off right now. But right before we come for them it will sink in. They’re no reasoning with them.

  2. “Even one drop of Leftism is poison.”

    And that is why the lot must go, branch and root.

    Over 16 years ago I was on a jag about how the Left carries the seeds of its own destruction. I’m so very relieved to be living in the times when those seeds are bearing its savage fruit.

  3. If they honestly confess, sincerely repent, and act in a significant way to atone for the errors of their past ways, I say fuck ’em anyway I’ll try to be forgiving. Operative word: try.

  4. I dont want to give them any mercy. Not after what theyve done to my nearest and dearest, not after the hospitals and the nursing homes and the funerals, not after the the lives we had to fight to pull back and the ones we couldnt reach. Not after what theyve done to this nation and her children, not after their destruction of every worthwhile institution. Not after they sold this land into the hand of the wicked and their attacks on our bodies and our faith.

    I have no desire to have mercy on them.

    Which means they WON.

    Theyve beaten me and all who feel as I do.

    For they will drag those of us theyve wrung the mercy from to hell with them, in a vain attempt to please their master the devil.

    By beating the mercy from us, they have stolen us from Heaven, from God Himself.

    Not my word,


    “For he shall have judgment without mercy, that hath shewed no mercy; and mercy rejoiceth against judgment.”
    James 2:13

    …We can carry on like this. We have free will and ample reasons.

    But the Lord will not forgive those who can not forgive, and by doing so we should know that makes us no less vile than THEM in His sight.

    “14 For if ye forgive men their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you:

    15 But if ye forgive not men their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive your trespasses.”
    Matthew 6:14-15

    We can hate.

    I DO hate.

    But in doing so we only take the Victory from ourselves.

  5. When the leftists first dragged out the queers and said ‘You must accept, even honor this, as though it is normal I made the cynical observation ‘the goal is making society accept pedophilia’. Fifty years ago and they almost got there these last few years. No more. Many mocked my tinfoil hat back then but not now (it’s still tinfoil).

    They Hitlered us until they killed themselves. This guy is new to me but he’s speaking truth to the mangy curs like no one I’ve yet heard. Let it continue, let it grow, let it blossom in flame throwing radiance and burn every leftist to the finest of white ash, then some heavy sneezes to blow the ash away.

  6. @ Walter SATURDAY, 22 FEBRUARY 2025, 18:32 AT 6:32 PM

    I think I’ve been following him for over five years. I simply have to limit what I can budget ten minutes to watch or I would be overwhelmed, but this is a guy whose opinion and comments are worth my time.

  7. The sweet revenge is the fact former powerful Democrats are leading the charge to take no prisoners on the left. The demonic, communist woke left brought this on themselves with such blind rage. They can’t stop a Hell bent path to self-destruction and have become their own sacrifice. For now, the left’s dominance is toast and they must always be powerless to keep the world safe, sane and prosperous.

  8. 99th
    “The sweet revenge”. It’s no longer revenge. It’s survival. At this point we can no longer allow these weak sisters to distort reality. We’re done. If Trump had not been elected I firmly believe we would be in a shooting war with the left right now. What I’m saying is, they pushed too far. And some of them still don’t get it. ENOUGH.

  9. SNS, I respectfully disagree. I have no mercy on them. And they have not won. I’m proud to want to see them defeated, I want them humiliated and brought to justice. That does make us defeated.

  10. Brad, you’re right. Revenge is short lived. Sustaining the existence of a stable, successful civilization depends on keeping the left overpowered and crushed.

  11. Say what you will, hate me if you like, it doesnt change the word of the Lord.

    Read the quotes.

    And I am not out of the fight. I do things about the evil in our day against it, some I can talk about and some that Id be a fool to post.

    I hate more than you can ever know and I act out of that hate.

    But I know from the WordI posted above that in doing so I condemn myself.

    “Vengeance is mine, sayeth the Lord”.

    Well I, like many of you, am not willing to wait upon the Lord.

    Even though I know it denies me His Kingdom.

    All I am doing here is pointing that out to others, that they clearly know the choice they have made.

    If you do not like the words posted above, your issue is not with me, but with their Author.

    Go before Him about them.

    Not me.

  12. “The price of Liberty is eternal vigilance.”
    (dead white guy)

    We Americans stopped being vigilant around 1860.
    And we have positively had our heads in the sand since Wilson dragged us into WW I.
    I hope and pray that this is a re-awakening and not just a brief eye-flutter from a deep sleep.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

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