Is a Locksmith at Yosemite Really Necessary in the 21st Century? – IOTW Report

Is a Locksmith at Yosemite Really Necessary in the 21st Century?

Earlier this week it was reported that the one man with all the keys at Yosemite National Park was fired, that being the only locksmith, Nat Vince. Don’t worry about Vince he’s already received a number of job offers according to this article. Here

Townhall has some questions about the practicality of keeping a fulltime locksmith on staff at a national park. Here

8 Comments on Is a Locksmith at Yosemite Really Necessary in the 21st Century?

  1. NOPE! Lemme stop ya there ! People are stupid! That’s why locksmiths are needed. Changing a lock properly is not always easy. Again people are stupid! People with a bunch of keys is stupid! You might as well just take off all the locks and leave all the doors wide open because govt employees are stupid!Except for the locksmith. He’s ok… unless he too is stupid! In that case, oh well I’ll never be able to go to Yosemite so what do I care? I’m just being STUPID!!!

  2. Yes, people are stupid. That one park has enough specific work to justify a fulltime locksmith seems unlikely. At least if they were good at their job.
    By the way: is there some federal or state requirement that this person not just be one or several mechanically adept persons in Maintenance Department aka janitors?


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