Serious Question – IOTW Report

Serious Question

Is AOC gaining weight or is she pregnant?

26 Comments on Serious Question

  1. I’m going with she hit her expiration date for passing as young.

    AKA The Wall, for egotistical shallow women. Women of grace with depth of heart are always attractive. No matter their age.

    I also think she’ll deny it the rest of her life. Humility is not in her DNA.

  2. If she is pregnant the crazy crap that has come out of her mouth has been mild compared to what we’ll be seeing in the upcoming months. Also just think what she’ll be like after 6 months paid maternity leave as she’ll want the same as Buttgigged took.

    Also many Hispanic women have great bodies until they get to their mid 30’s then after a few months they look like they had 100 pounds or more of pure fat injected into them.

  3. The option, “was” pregnant could apply to this libtard abortion cult member. A puffy face happens in that situation. too. The mother’s hormones continue a pregnancy process even without the baby for awhile.

  4. I’m with Sapper Chris. She’s probably been over-indulging in alcohol and ice cream. Most likely more the former than the latter. That’ll do that to a face, too. She’s been delusional about being all that and a bag of chips, but with Pelosi’s and Schiff’s and Schumer’s plummeting in popularity and power, she’s lost. And the New Green Scam is down the tubes.

  5. I maybe the only reader here that review previous comments before I add my two cents. I was going to write something snappy. But dang you guys covered it all.

    danryangalt That may qualify for comment of the year. Laughing my petite ass off.


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